Using Ouija with spirits

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Using Ouija with spirits
Post # 1
Hi guys I am curious is there a way to contact your spirit guide through a ouija board at all I know the rules but I want to speak to my spirit guide because I know i have one.
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Re: Using Ouija with spirits
Post # 2

For contacting your spirit guide an Ouija board should not be your first option, especially if you have not come in contact with your guide before then it should definitely not be your first option. Especially if you are not quite sure what you are doing.

The board opens a portal and any spirit which includes negative spirits to come through the board especially if you don't know what you are doing or how to protect yourself, you should always know how to banish anything that may also come through the board if you encounter a negative entity, that being said, any entity could pretend to be your spirit guide or anyone whom you are trying to contact and often entities will lie through the Ouija board since it is often likely to encounter lower energies from the board.

Instead of using a board try using meditation on receiving messages from your spirit guide and understand what it's energy feels like and focus on that. Definitely try to connect with them outside the Ouija before attempting communication with it.

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Re: Using Ouija with spirits
Post # 3
There are people who suggest following some very strict guidelines when using spirit boards:

1: Cleanse, banish, and protect or ward prior to clear the area.
2: Be specific of the entity you wish to communicate with. Verify its identity. If anything seems off, bid it farewell, dismiss, repeat the first step.
3. Do not demand; request.
4. When finished with the session, thank the entity for coming, let it know the session has ended, and tell it that it may depart. Tell it goodbye.
5. Cleanse, banish, and protect or ward.

A lot of people use a spirit board in such a way that it is basically sending out a casting call to any entities which choose to arrive. They don't take any protective steps, make demands, assume a spirit is whoever it says it is, then just abruptly tell it goodbye, and to go.

Additionally, it is my personal belief that a better method of contacting one's guide(s) is through an introspective process rather than externally. Guides have the goal of helping a person reach their best potential, and are strongly attached to the personality, spirit, soul, whatever you believe is reached inside yourself when you reach the deepest recesses of your own consciousness. It is there where your guides are best found.
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