Im a SoM virgin be gentle

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Im a SoM virgin be gentle
Post # 1
Greetings and Salutations,

I'm new to this wonderful community and already getting questions asking for help and suggestions. I'm 31 (at the time of this thread posting) and I've been studying and practicing witchcraft since I was a teenager, not sure of my exact age at the time. I am addicted to studying anything and everything that catches my attention and/or perks my curiosity. Anything and everything from what's commonly referred to as light and dark magick and many other labels and counting. Because of that, I started a blog back in 2010 ( where I collect some of that information, answer questions and help others as well as myself. I've always been solitary in my practice as I never really felt the urge to work with anyone else, mostly due to my being a hermit and various health issues. I hope things go well since I'm excited to be here.
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Re: Im a SoM virgin be gentle
Post # 2

Hello and welcome! I think you'll really like being here. There certainly seem to bemany interesting things to read and wonder at :D

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