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Post # 1

Hello, I am Atrixiaus and I have a few questions?

What is Magick? When I ask this I already know that its the use of your spiritual being and its power to communicate with the spiritual world to do things. When I ask this I would like to know like a more cellular level. what I mean is whats the process that happens spiritually that is caused by will and intent of the caster.

Like does the spiritual body fluctuateor does it take a specific pattern orsomething when using magick?

Does magick cause the body stress or pleasure?

Does magick feel addicting like euphoric when casting?

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Re: Magick?
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

Magick is asserting one's energy to influence the outcome. In physics, there are the three laws of motion that magick always follows. The first law is the law of inertia. Energy will continue to flow at constant motion until extra force is applied. The second law is the net force equates to the mass times acceleration. In terms of energy, the amount of it and it's flow matters in spell casting. Some magicks requires more energy than others. If the amount of energy changes, or the speed of its flow changes, the net force applied will change as well. The third law states what is put in equates to what is put out. The amount of energy the caster puts out equates to what will be put into the caster. This is why caution must be taken when casting certain spells as the type of energy puts out may return to the caster. There is a theory called the observer effect. The act of observing will influence the target that is being observed.

At a cellular level, as you may have known, we are full of energy. In chemistry, energy is heat. We are endotherms and are able to maintain body heat, with little influence from the environment. We are constantly using energy to survive. In terms of magicks, we use our energy to influence the outcome. There is positive and negative energy; high and low energy. In psychology, high energy is influenced by activity and positivity, whilst low energy is influenced by depression and negativity. This can affect our daily routine. In magicks, positive and negative energy plays a major role in spellcasting. It can be used to hurt others or help others. It can backfire and might hurt the caster.

There is still a lot of things science has not been able to explain. These are some of the things I picked up during my research. If you have any more questions about what was written, you may message me any time. I hope this helps. Blessed be.

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Re: Magick?
Post # 3

Thank you this is very helpful.

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Re: Magick?
Post # 4
Magic, simply, is affecting change in accordance with one's will. It does not necessitate the working of any spirits, whether that of the practitioner or any external to the practitioner.

It can cause an emotional response, such as stress or pleasure, depending on the person. However, that is not a necessity. I would even posit that carrying an emotion related to a working to affect the future might be counterproductive, as magic works largely with the unconscious portions of the mind -- subconscious and superconscious, depending on belief -- and keeping it in the forefront of thoughts means ever more expectations are being laid upon the result.
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Re: Magick?
Post # 5

Thank you that was very helpful as well

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Re: Magick?
By: / Beginner
Post # 6

i believe what goes on depends entirely on the individual and how they believe it works.

in my own experience it is a matter of channeling and aligning to the needed energy/idea/outcome until there is a resonance of energy between the caster and the outside energy currents.

I enjoyed reading the thoughts shared here.

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