Undoing spells

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Undoing spells
Post # 1
For about a year I have been casting spells on my brain. I wanted to be more like this or that, but recently I’ve realized that I want to decide who I am without the help of these spells. I know people might have advice about this, saying it’s not bad or it isn’t even possible(there’s so much variety of belief here) but I know I believe it’s possible. This belief makes me act differently. If I believe I am free from all these spells dragging up and competing with each other in my head, it will be better. So I ask how to undo such spells. Thanks (:
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Re: Undoing spells
Post # 2

This is my point of view.

I don't believe spells will change anyone's personality just because. I believe magick can have a great impact on a person's life, therefor making them happier and more outgoing or depressed and more reserved. As you see, it doesn't directly impact them, it impacts things around a person that can change their emotions accordingly. For example a curse. Imagine you get fired, this will surely impact your emotions and make you go on a lower vibration.

Now what I think is happening here, it's not that those spells worked because they won't work. I think it's your desire to change so much that you created this illusion, let's say, this fake persona of you. Only you can realize who you truly are and be that real version of you. Maybe if you find yourself, this would stop.

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