Contacting Bune

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Contacting Bune
Post # 1
I've searched the web, however I find different answers. How does one contact Bune? What shall I put on my altar? And what should I have with me? What should I say? I've read much, but noting is quite clear. Can someone who has done work with the Duke of Goetic inform me?
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Re: Contacting Bune
Post # 2
The way I go about contacting Demons is using the research I find, but feeling for what feels natural. I've done research on a few that I have worked with and use some of what I find from different sources. But I listen to my gut, and ask them. I speak with them like talking to a friend in the room. I'll ask if whatever I read is the right way to go about things, and I'll get a sign of some sort. Like an idea in my mind or voice, it sounds like me but I can tell it's not.

I recommend going somewhere you won't be bothered for a little while, I like doing it when I take my dog outside. I talk while I walk around and watch him, so my mind isn't focused on what I'm doing completely. That helps me connect, I think too much and can't turn my mind off, so doing other common tasks help part of my mind stay open and ready for messages.
I just talk like they are right there with me, and it starts to feel like a two way conversation. It's kind of hard to explain but I hope this helps.

You can message me if you have any questions or need help with anything else.
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