No Subject

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No Subject
Post # 1
Help me please I've a lot of wishing spells on this website,from books and blogs but none of them worked. I really need one wish to get fulfilled so please tell me the strongest wish spell you know
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Re: No Subject
By: / Novice
Post # 2

All spells are wishes, the key to a functioning spell is belief, knowledge and realism.

If you dont mind me asking, what kind of background do you have in witchcraft, how much have you studied thus far? And what are you trying to achieve?

Often the reason why spells dont work is because they outcome isnt realistic, or we dont know enough to manifest our desired result.

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Re: No Subject
Post # 3
So youre saying immpossible can never be achieved.
Thats not magick
Magick is infinity
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Re: No Subject
Post # 4
And if you ask me then I have studied the wiccan and also a few ideolpgies of paganism
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Re: No Subject
By: / Novice
Post # 5

Magick has laws and rules just like everything else. So yes Magickdoes has limitations and isnt limitlessand if you go beyond thoselimitations you wont see results.

So you can ask for assistance with achieving a promotion is realisticbut asking for a mermaid tail is not realistic and wont happen

I meant in terms of witchcraft rather than religion, have you studied the basics methods of putting energy and intention out, grounding, energy manipulation, visualisation?

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Re: No Subject
By: / Novice
Post # 6
What's your wish? There are sometimes spells specific to your request [wish spells I feel are more last resorts when you can't find one specific to your issue] keep in mind wish spells dont mean they'll work, all spells still follow the rules of magick and nature [just because a 'transform into a wolf spell doesn't work, it doesn't mean wishing to transform into a wolf will] more detail about what the spell is and what you've tried can help us help you, but don't shoot the messenger if what you're asking is not possible, nor should you get discouraged because someone pointed out wish spells are no guarantee. Believe in your ability, just be aware of natural limitations. If you're wishing to be a millionaire it won't happen overnight but you can work for your goal and the spell can help open doors for you.
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