Hey hey

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Hey hey
Post # 1
So I'm a proficient alchemist, and I want to learn as much knowledge as I can before I can't anymore, I'm trying to get into Wicca but I have no idea where to start. I'm not a new member but it's been years so everyone I knew is not on anymore so I figured I would introduce myself to new people and hope I can make some friends again. I love mail soo don't be afraid. I'm a Sagittarius my process is incineration(alchemy stuff) and I'm a dude of 18 years old
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Re: Hey hey
Post # 2

Welcome to the site!

Chemistry basedalchemy, right? I used to take chemistry classes and I once enjoyed reading about it, but sometimes the equations were too much. I never understood how chemists used the equations to figure out how the result would bond together.

I googledincineration alchemy since I didn't know what it was. I was imagining that it was the processof burning materials to make new substances through added heat energy, therefore helping the chemicalsbind together. In short, Googlesays it's making ashes and purifying stuff but I can't find much more informationabout it.

Also,did you pick that path based off your zodiac sign? I noticed that similarity as well.

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