
Forums ► Misc Topics ► Chakra's.

Post # 1

I have been searching the forums, and I cannot seem to find some info on Chakras. So I am adding this thread, if there is another one well then I am sorry. But if not then Yay! I hope this helps.


Well, the Chakras are the "energy pools" in our body. There are 114 chakras in total, but Here I will talk about the main 7 chakras.

The Root Chakra :

Also known as the Earth chakra, Muladhara , and the Root chakra. Located at the base of the spine, it deals with survival and is blocked by fear.

To cleanse this chakra, Meditate on your fears. Find what you are afraid of the most, then let it go. Learn to accept them, but do not let them control you.

I actually don't have much more on this, as I think we only need a basic understanding. However you are free to research it in depth more than I.

Next up is the Sacral Chakra:

Also called the Water Chakra and Svadhishthana. Located just above the root, and below the Solar Plexius, It deals with Pleasure ( pleasure does not always have to do with intimet acts ) and is blocked by guilt.

You'll need to meditate on all the things you feel guilty for, and let them go. You cannot change what has happened. Accept it and let go of your guilt, Move on. ( this may be hard for people to do )

Then we have the Navel:

Also known as the Fire Chakra, the Solar Plexius,and or the Manipura . It is located near your solar plexius ( aka the Navel, or around your belly button) This one relates to Willpower, and is blocked by shame.

To cleanse this chakra, you need to free your self from your shame, your letdowns and disappointments. Meditate on these, reliaze that you can get up, dust yourself off and move on. You are perfect as you are, do not let others make fun of you because of how you look or sound, Be true to yourself.

Next up on our list is the Heart:

Also known as the Air chakra, "Anahata. It is located at the heart, It deals with love and is blocked by grief.

This Chakra is a little harder to cleanse, as its hard to let go of those you love. You need to realize that it is okay to grevie over losses, and people, but you need to let them go. Ever hear of the saying " If you love them, let them go?" I am going to leave it at that for this chakra

Now we have the Throat Chakra:

Also known as the Sound Chakra, Vishuddha . It is located in the Throat, It deals with the Truth, and is blocked by lies.

To cleanse this Chakra, you need to stop telling lies, and let go of them. This is harder when these lies do things that are good and not bad, but you still need to let them go. Especially lies about yourself. Do not pretend to be who you are not, Be yourself.

Next up, we Have the Third Eye chakra:

Also known as the Light chakra, or "Ajna . Located just in the middle of your forehead, it deals with Insight and is blocked by Illisuion. ( also it has relations to day dreaming, but we'll get into that later )

To cleanse this Chakra and open it up, you need to let go of the illusion of control, the illusion of everything within your self. This Chakras cleansing, is hard for me to explain. Maybe you guys will understand, maybe not. Only time will tell

Last but not least, we have the Crown chakra:

Also known as the Thought chakra, or Sahasrara , it deals with Pure Cosmic energy, and is blocked by earthly attachments.

To cleanse this chakra, you must let go of everything that ties you to this plane, or earth.

I do not know how to explain doing this, maybe someone more experienced with this could explain it better.


This video ( although a child's cartoon show has a very good overall explaination of chakras, At least I think so. )

I hope this helps, and I hope this thread is in the right spot, My apologies for it being so basic.

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Re: Chakra's.
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I am a real fan of Avatar as well. That episode (the Guru) is one of my favorites and it really does do a good job of introducing the concepts of the chakras. The information is, of course, compressed greatly but it gives a surprisingly useful starting point on the basic concepts.

I'm -totally- favoriting this thread. 6-6
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Re: Chakra's.
Post # 3

I thought so too! So funny, I should be able to add more to this soon

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Re: Chakra's.
Post # 4
In the Eastern countries are two basic approaches. Cleanup all chakras and waking up the Serpent power for the end cycles of lives. Or opening a chakra. But only a one chakra, for obtain spiritual powers and better life. Nobody can open all chakras in one life.
See Sat chakra nirupana, translantion by John Woodroffe. Or The secret of the golden flower, translantion by Richard Willhelm. Or Shiva samhita....and similar Eastern texts.
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Re: Chakra's.
Post # 5

I am going to have to ask why?, Why only one, It doesn't quite make sense. Why would they all be there, if you could only open one.

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Re: Chakra's.
Post # 6
According to the original Eastern masters opening a one chakra takes many years daily meditations. Until you do not have the powers siddhis, you have none chakra open.
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Re: Chakra's.
Post # 7

Hmm, interesting. I still quite don't believe that, as they can not be "closed", as they are energies. But that is just My opinion.

I will not argue any more. I am simply just stating my comments and such.

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Re: Chakra's.
Post # 8
For example Hindu yogis say that people who awakens the Anahata Chakra can walk in the air = levitation ability.
Only as an example. See chakras and siddhis, try google.
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Re: Chakra's.
Post # 9

Interesting, thank you for the info.

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Re: Chakra's.
Post # 10
I've just read an article about some mixed up history about the chakras, which may help to clarify a few things, though it may obfuscate a few others. At the least, the author says that people may still experience successes with the modern interpretation, though differences from the original teachings are pointed out:
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