No Subject

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No Subject
Post # 1
Hello, my name is Killian and I'm aware that I can do things.. but I'm not exactly sure why I can, how I can,or what the limits are.

I have a friend who told me it's magic,but spells and rituals don't really seem like what I'm doing,I've noticed it tends to feel more like a phisical thing I'm doing. Like moving a heavy,sponge-like, fog with a fan? I'm not entirely sure how to explain it, but I'll never learn if I don't ask. It doesn't require chanting,or prayers - I just sorta do it. Some examples are;

making people feel the way I want them to/amplifing a specific emotion they already feel.
I've secsefully used this as self-defense by causing two guys who were acosting me to suddenly have meltdowns and cry there eyes out on the floor,

I can find people by focusing on specific information about the individual I'm looking for and then my finger tips get warm and tingly then I fallow that feeling the way it gets stronger or weaker as I sort through a crowd - I know this works as it's helped me find individuals at parties/bars/clubs,

I can also mirror a person's core to some degree and I've used that to make friends or get information by reflecting what they want to see in another person ( useful for getting into sports events without a ticket),

.. and I have manipulated probabilities as well to my benefit ( strangers paying for my food, not crashing or getting in trouble that time I 'barrowed' my parents car at 15, I've used it with hitch hiking as well),ect

I've noticed that after doing something I feel really cold like I got the flu and have chills,or I feel nauseated, along with migranes,and a few times it felt like my teath were being removed from my mouth.

If anyone has any idea of what I'm doing,why I can do it, and how I'm able to do it/how I can improve , and what the limits are- please let me know!
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Re: No Subject
Post # 2
Actually, this sounds identical to myself.

With the first description, I'd say you're accustomed to energy manipulation. It's also that warmth in your fingertips. I think it's something like using your body's natural EM waves and being more attuned to them.

With the emotions, that's empathy. Empathy is a two-way street. You can feel what others feel and you can make them feel how you do. It's possible to emulate/simulate an emotion so you can choose the feeling you give.

You're also manipulating the energy around you for the purpose of getting a favorable outcome to a situation-- like messing with luck itself. In my experience it tends to work like a pendulum. You can push it toward good luck, but it will swing to the other side eventually (bad luck).

The reason you're feeling cold or ill is that you're expending your own energy to perform these feats. All that you've been doing is considered magic and can be called "spells". You're supposed to ground yourself before performing a spell. This means that you need to connect yourself to some other source of energy-- be it something natural like the earth, stones, crystals, or a forest or waterfall; or spiritual as in a spiritual entity, god, or heavenly body. You do this so that you're drawing energy in while expending it for your spell. This way you won't feel as drained afterward.
I only learned this a couple days ago. Before then, I had only ever used my own energy and recharged afterward. The worst side-effects I'd experienced from being drained are illness, migranes, nosebleeds, and exhaustion.

I hope I was able to help a bit with your inquiry. Feel free to mail me through my profile here if you have more questions.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 3
Thank you so much! And I will :)
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Re: No Subject
Post # 4
It appears I have no idea how to send mail to people on here
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Re: No Subject
By: / Novice
Post # 5

if you want to send someone a mail, click on their profile, and then the mail tab next to their profile.

Best of luck :)

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Re: No Subject
Post # 6
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Re: No Subject
Post # 7
Is there a Q&A form here somewhere? I can't find the mail tab
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Re: No Subject
Post # 8
When you click on someone's user name, it takes you to their profile. At the top of the main body of the web page, at the bottom of the orange bar, to the right, there are the following tabs:

Profile, Mail, Photos, Friends, History, Wish List. These are all the information about that user. The tabs above the orange bar are your information.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 9
I have figured out how to draw energy from fier by cajoling with it - and you were right ,i dont get drained anymore
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