Incense for Meditation?

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Incense for Meditation?
Post # 1
I know that incense is helpful for meditating, and it does help me relax during meditation. However, I want to know if there are any specific incenses that can help me with healing through meditation?
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Re: Incense for Meditation?
Post # 2

Frankincense is one of the most popular incense ingredients that I know of. The fragrance is said to be able to elevate the mind during meditation, visualization, and centering, and overall aid in relaxation. It's also said to be able to chase away evil spirits and disease. For physical health, its known for its anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory properties, increasing of blood circulation, and the strengthening of the female hormone system.

Besides Frankincense there's Spikenard, which aids in calming nerves and strengthening the mind. However, its known to make people drowsy. Besides that, honestly, there are a lot of good options for healing/meditation incense. The only ones I wouldn't recommend are Aloeswood and Sandalwood. It's not that they're bad. In fact, its the opposite. Their soothing effects, aid in meditation, and anxiety relief are so effective that they gained a lot of popularity. So much so that they've been harvested to the point of near extinction.

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Re: Incense for Meditation?
Post # 3
Thank you so much for your advice! This helps me out a lot. :)
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Re: Incense for Meditation?
Post # 4

No problem! I'm glad this was able to help.

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