Applying for coven leader

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Applying for coven leader
Post # 1
I feel like most don't know this, so after double checking I am going to post what you need to do.

If there is a coven you would like to apply for leadership roles (because they have inactive priest/ess) then you would click the little apply button. You then have to mail the site admin and let him know that you applied, and you qualifications. Then you basically just wait. All applications are looked over by the site Admin and the best candidate for the job is picked and promoted.
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Re: Applying for coven leader
By: / Novice
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Covens from General Info.
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Re: Applying for coven leader
By: / Novice
Post # 3
actually, you don't have to mail an admin or mod. you apply and wait... and wait... and wait... and teach in forums and chat, building your reputation until hopefully you are chosen. you might consider after a few months contacting and asking a mod or admin, but it's not a requirement and i would tread softly doing so as this might come across as complaining [your wording for example might sound 'why haven't you picked anyone yet?' when it's not that particular mad/admins final decision but a group vote or perhaps Pets alone]

i do hope you get picked and we can begin revamping the covens, but as far as i can tell the site in general is pretty comfortable with the ones they have and the majority of users are in one of 3 covens, of which they cover the majority of information quite nicely and i suppose if it's not broke, don't fix it?
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