Demonic Spirit Guide?

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Re: Demonic Spirit Guide?
Post # 21
Everyone is skeptical of when I speak of it, Every time I mention it I always get the same questions. I've never had hallucinations, and I wasn't eating anything out of the ordinary. I rarely drink alcohol, and I was not drinking alcohol. I'm not on any medication, other then allergy medication and an inhaler for emergency attacks. I don't take medication for my depression, I'm fortunate enough where I can meditate and I can be sound at mind.
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Re: Demonic Spirit Guide?
Post # 22
Okay, sorry. I know stuff like that can be annoying, I just want to make sure you weren't making it up (this being the internet, you can't always tell when people are lying or not). I've been really sick the past few days so I wasn't able to see the employee at the center/store who focuses on things such as demons. I'll stop by this weekend though and see if him or any of the other people who work there who know a lot about this stuff can help. Weather or not I'm able to get help from anyone at the center/store I'd recommend talking to a pro demonologist. There's lot of reliable ones out there.
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Re: Demonic Spirit Guide?
Post # 23
Adding to what I said. I did find a few articles online saying that ouija boards can conjure up a demon called ZoZo. Here are some articles about him that might help you.
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Re: Demonic Spirit Guide?
Post # 24
Thank you for understanding. I normally keep quiet due to how many people in the past have not believed me.
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Re: Demonic Spirit Guide?
Post # 25
I still want to know if it's possible to have a demon spirit guide.
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