Demon Possession

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Demon Possession
Post # 1
So, my friend is possessed by a demon??

She's been into a lot of the same Pagan religions as me and a few other friends, but she likes to dabble more into demons and cursing people and I've never really noticed anything too serious until tonight. I was getting ready for a pep band game at my school, and I was just talking to her and while she was talking I could see and feel her aura change into something sinister. I don't really understand auras too much, I just know that I can see different colours and feel different kinds of energies that people give out. My friend's aura turned into a blood red colour, and I could see an outline of a goat head and horns. She claims that she's possessed by Baphomet, and I didn't know exactly what it looked like until I had looked it up just a few minutes ago.

She read my palms and just told me she was sorry, as if something bad was going to happen. It upset me because she never elaborated, and her entire demeanor had changed as well. She wasn't acting the same as she used to. I had told her that I saw a strange outline over her body, and she just gave me this creepy grin. I had confronted her about why I was upset and she claims that she has no memory of reading my palms whatsoever.

I know nothing about unwanted spirits or demons and I would like to know if anyone believes this is genuine or not or if I should do anything to help her or just stay away and protect myself.
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Re: Demon Possession
Post # 2
Actual possession is quite rare. I doubt your friend actually is; it sounds to me like she is feeling edgy, and acting out over it.
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Re: Demon Possession
Post # 3
Thank you, I'll keep that in mind. I wouldn't be surprised if she's just acing out just to spite me or to make a big fuss for attention as she's done that in the past. But I'm new to this whole thing and I don't really know what to expect from...anything, really.
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Re: Demon Possession
Post # 4

I don't really know much about Baphomet except that in final fantasy bahamut is represented as a huge dragon (fluff, I know. but that kind of thing got me interested in magic).

I have an inkling Baphomet is Muslim though. Some kind of Muslim spiritual creature or god. In that case, don't confront her as Baphoment sounds too powerful.

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Re: Demon Possession
Post # 5
Baphomet is a conglomeration of concepts, and many believe was not originally a representation of an actual entity, but rather a symbolic representation of its collective symbolism. It was quite possibly meant to be a sort of relationship diagram.

Over time, like many things which are not understood from the outside of an exclusive system, people began to believe that Baphomet is an entity, a devil, or even *the* Devil.

The same thing has happened in many other instances, the way that "Satan" is not a name, but a title in the original scriptures. Different angels have taken the role of the tempter or tester. More prevalent is the confusion between Lucifer and Satan, as an easy example.

But to get back on track: Pretending that Baphomet is a powerful malevolent entity, such an entity would have little entertainment or purpose from possessing a teenager who does no more than cast sidelong glances at their friends.

There really is nothing to worry about in this case.
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Re: Demon Possession
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
I read that The name Baphomet was originally used in association with a being that the Knights Templar were being accused of worshipping in the early 14th century. There seemed to be no account of a member confirming this until King Philip IV had many of the Knights Templar tortured till confession, and at that point they probably would've said yes to anything asked. It seemed to he that this 'entity' they supposedly worshipped was thought up in a fear induced panic by people outside of the Knights Templar and seems to have no mention in their history before that. All in all, I as well do not think your friend is posessed by Baphomet, or any demon at all for that matter. It seems like she is enjoying the drama that this is stirring up. I knew some people like that in school, it's best not to indulge them. If there was am actual possession (which like prsona said is extremely rare) much more chaotic things would be happening, and you would definitely know that something is not right.
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Re: Demon Possession
Post # 7

Bahamut is a Jinn, and a separate myth from Baphomet.

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Re: Demon Possession
Post # 8
I agree with Prsona...its nothing to really worry about. But if you really are afraid of your friend then take a step back. I don't know your religions background but there are prayers to protect you if you feel "spells" aren't the answer. Meditate and visualize yourself surrounded by light, and call for spiritual protection.

As far as the aura, it doesn't necessarily mean that she is "evil" or possessed, but may have negative intentions. That aura can be associated with many things tbh depending on the person.

By the way, Baphomet is a higher level demonic spirit, which means its really rare for her to be possessed by such because most if not all people have a dark spirit attached to them as well as a light one too. So to me, I feel she is using her negative intentions as a gimmick to say she is possessed and not take responsibility for her actions from this point forward.
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Re: Demon Possession
Post # 9
Thank you Irradiate, as well as everyone else for providing me this information. I have since then confronted her about this and this seems to hold true. I have unintentionally hurt her feelings and this was a way of her getting even with me, but since I never knew I did anything wrong that only escalated the situation. I will, however, find some protection spells that I can cast easily with the materials that I have as a precaution just in case she has tried to curse or hex me in any way.
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Re: Demon Possession
Post # 10
first thing i advice you do is sprinkle salt on any valuable material that you wish to give to your possessed friend, then give to her and you have just barred her from arming you in whatsoever way, then we can talk about controlling the demon not to control her in an embarrassing manner.
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