How does magick works

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How does magick works
Post # 1
How to do magick? What is magick? How does it work? How to start learning (beginner to advance)? Please, someone, answer my questions.
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Re: How does magick works
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

Personally I see magick is a natural energy that is all around us. Those who learn to, are able to utilise the energy around them, and ask for a magickal response to our request.

A good place to start is with lots of learning, there are lots of great posts on this website that are a massive help:

  • Starting Out:
  • The Basics Expanded:
  • Visualization:
  • Centering + Grounding:
  • How to write a spell:
  • Troubleshooting Spells:

But books such as: Before you Casta Spell by Carl McColman are very good for beginners.

I hope this helps.

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Re: How does magick works
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

there is an excellent post on how to go about studying magic at

I would also recommend the books:

Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig

Spells and How They Work by Janet and Stewart Farrar

The Veil's Edge by Willow Polson

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