Break up spell

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Break up spell
Post # 1
I casted my first break up spell last night. I had a short black candle and decided to cut it in half making it 2 for my spell. I carved the names into each separately. I added them to a small porseline bowl but not close together. I then added my ingredients: cayenne pepper, graveyard dirt, sulfur powered and black cat hair, as I did this I stated each meaning as well as my intentions. I lit the candles and noticed the female wax was melting to the males. I decided to try to separate their wax and move the candles further apart as I spoke about it. I read later that you should not effect the wax when casting a spell and I was unaware at the time. The female candle went out first even though they were the same size candles. After some time I noticed the males flame continued after the candle was gone. The fire spread a bit and I couldn’t stand the burning smell, my throat was hurting and I worried about the flame as it moved away from the tinfoil wrapped porcilene towards a bit of exposed porciline charring it. I picked it up and moved it to the sink and finally decided to put it out. I realized a bathroom with no ventilation like windows and using a porcilene dish was a bad idea. I’m not even sure the meaning of what happened or if the spell will work since I interrupted it from finishing. The heat from the flame stained the dish and it broke due to hot and cold climate change. I kept the spell wrapped up in the tinfoil. I’m not sure what to do next because if it is finished I can dispose of it or hold it until it works. I haven’t noticed any dreams last night or signs just yet. My hands still have an ordor and I can still smell ordors from last night even though my clothes are changed, maybe it has lingered in the air and I have it on my clothes. Anyways any thoughts, advice or etc. would be great. I’m thinking of redoing the spell but differently.
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Re: Break up spell
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Personally, if I had had this sort of thing happen I would re-do the spell. Too many things went wrong with it for me to feel confident that it had worked as intended. And since you are asking it sounds like you aren't confident either - something that will also impact whether the spell works or not.

I would dispose of the spell ingredients such as the candles and dish as you would have had the spell worked and start over with fresh ingredients.

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Re: Break up spell
Post # 3
I think I lack confidence because it didn’t go as smooth as I have thought or hoped for. I will try again and probably change how I do it so it will go more smooth.
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Re: Break up spell
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Good luck then. I hope all works out as you desire.

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Re: Break up spell
Post # 5
Thank you I do as well.
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