Household Problems

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Household Problems
Post # 1
I'm currently living in a household where magick isn't fully understood and appreciated by the ppl I'm living with. Whenever I bring home witchcraft books or head strait for the Occult section of the local bookstore, I recieve critical, disapproving looks & annoying comments. It gets even worse when I want to buy spell ingredients or candles. Today I found two really pretty unused candles in the back of the cabinent & asked my adopted parents if I could use them. They gave me the same ordeal & told me that I had to tell them whenever I was gonna light the candles for a "fire saftey procaution". I understand their concerns, but how can I possibly say, "Hey, I'm gonna light my candles now...& please don't disturb me while I do cuz I'll be doing witchcraft & need peace & quiet." without concerning them?
I love magick, & it is a large part of my life. But how am I supposed to practice when these people r so upset by what I am doing? & it's not like I can move out... I'm still only 14. It doesn't feel fair to me though. They aren't even my biological parents. Does anyone have some advice for me?
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Re: Household Problems
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
First, they are your legal guardians, learn to respect them, it is after all their house.

Second, try to talk to them about what you are doing. Give them a book about magic to read. If they understand it from your point of veiw they may be more open minded about it. Shutting them out of what you are doing will only make things worse. If you are uncomfortable telling them about the spells you want to do, try this first. Read up on some spells that you think they would understand and be supportive of, like a self convidence spell, or a spell to improve your health, or a spell of protection for you or the family, the house, the cars, you get the idea. Do these spells with them there, explain what is going on and why they need to let you concentrate. After a while they might trust you to be fire safe on your own. Then you can do the privet spells you seek to do.
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Re: Household Problems
Post # 3
If your guardians are anything like mine, there's no way in hell that they'ill just accept what you are. No matter how much you try to convince them otherwise. I'd say go on in secret. Try to make your own money for the basics. After all, magick doesn't have to be expensive. As soon as you can legally live alone (and afford your own place), or simply have your own transport, then you will have more freedom to be who you want, without their interference. But yeah, kts's suggestion is much preferable, of course. You decide if they can handle it.
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Re: Household Problems
Post # 4
My advice is practice when their both asleep
Works wnders with my parents. Just be very light on the insence
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Re: Household Problems
Post # 5
My advice is practice when their both asleep
Works wnders with my parents. Just be very light on the insence
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