ToTM: Karma

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ToTM: Karma
Post # 1
October's Topic of The Month is Karma!

Now in it's most simplistic terms, karma is the concept of checks and balances. It is a punishment and reward system. Do good and good things happen. Do bad and bad things happen. However, this does not mean it takes effect immediately. Nor does it mean it is proportionate to the deed that has been done. So the question is not as simple as, "do you believe in karma?" It's also a matter of what kind and in what way? That and whether you do or do not, why? Have you had any personal experiences which have convinced you one way or the other? Also, do you believe this only applies to spells or the mundane actions as well?

Re: ToTM: Karma
Post # 2

When I first started out my journey...I wanted so badly to believe that karma was real. I wanted to believe if I always did the right thing I would be rewarded and that the people who had done me wrong would eventually get what they deserved.

But to me now, I think that is extremely childish and naive. The world does not work that way. Some people are terrible and get away with doing horrible things for their whole life. While you get punished...for doing the right things.

For being kind, turning the other cheek, not fighting back, etc. I also thought it extended to spells as well so I avoided baneful magick. I always respected others right to engage in it though. If they were willing to undergo the risk, more power to them! Usuaully when someone talks about hexing or cursing's because they did something really horrible and unforgivable.

I mean you do occasionally get the derpy teenager who wants to do a death curse because some girl told him no. But to be fair, they are usually morons who do not know how to go about causing harm via magick in the first place and if they tried it would likely just blow up in their face. But after the first few months, I believed in the concept less and less.

Afterall, any spell has the potential to backfire for multiple reasons. Maybe you insisted on doing the spell in Latin and butchered the incantation. Perhaps you used ill suited materials for the job. Could be a spirit or deity interfering. Also with baneful magick specifically...the person you send it to can send it back to you.

So I think if a spell baneful or not is done right the chances of it screwing you over are minimal. You just have to know what you are doing. Now with general karma in the My Name is Earl's just never worked that way for me. It kinda reminds me of how SOME Christian's use the scare tatic of, "be good or you're going to Hell!" But see how the whole threat of something bad happening is there in both cases? Be naughty and God or karma will punish you.

I don't think you're a very good person if the only thing stopping you from being a monster is consequences. We are all born with empathy chips as I like to call it. We are capable of kindness and compassion without the lingering thread of, "or else". I don't think I will be punished for being a naughty witch.

However, in the Hellenic sense, Eqyptian sense, and many other afterlife systems...where you go is often determined by the life you lead. This is by many considered the original karma. Now this one I believe in. Though what is good, what is bad, and how or if you can repent is murky.

Re: ToTM: Karma
Post # 3

One thing I would like to add because it is a trend I have been seeing...Karma bashing. If you go into a Wiccan forum where they are discussion karma and threefold to say how it's all fake're an asshole. That's like going into a church with a mega phone to say Jesus isn't real. No one is saying you cannot believe that, but why are you going out of your way? They have the right to believe what they want the same as you.

Honestly, no matter what side of the fence you are have to give respect to get it. I respect others rights to practice how they see fit. If they are white magick only, that's cool. You don't want to hurt people even if they have hurt you, totally fine. I respect that, you have a very kind heart.

As long as your not the karma police up in chatter or forums commenting on every single forum you can find saying how you shouldn't be a meanie pants with magick or karma gone get cha!! It's a 100% proven fact that karma exists or at least, that is how they present it. All in the name of discouraging others from practicing how they see fit as a scare tatic.

They were asking for hexing tips, if you have nothing relevant to add to their topic...keep your trap shut. Nobody asked you. You do not know their circumstances, so stop acting like you do. I see so many love and light types who will judge others and tell them what to do but for something far less minor they will lose their shit. I recently had someone PMing me in chatter telling me to make their mommy go away because she is a bully.

But this same person judged me and freaked out on me for honestly answering their question a while back. The question way a kill or be killed type deal. All I said it that I will prioritize myself and my wife. I will protect my woman and myself at any cost. But not just letting someone stab me to death makes me a terrible person for not letting someone hang me on a cross like Jesus apparently.

Point is, practice what you preach. I have seen many good Wiccans like Lark NOT tell other people how to practice. Karma is her personal truth and that is fine. She does not want to hurt someone if it can at all be avoided. But she does not tell others how to live their life. Also, a lot of new agey types think being Wiccan means they never ever cast baneful magck...

You are wrong. If backed into a corner and it is their only option, they will. Like the cone of power against the Nazi's or some who participated in the Trump binding. If it is in the name of self defense, many will do so.

Re: ToTM: Karma
Post # 4

You know what?

I used to believe in karma. I really did. But hell no, not anymore. Karma means nothing to me.

I could give you a billion of examples as to why I think this, but I will share personal experiences.

I was diagnosed with Severe ( Chronic ) Depression and Bipolar Syndrome at the age of 4. I was a freaking child. I lost my childhood and my adolescence. I was forced to be a grown up by the age of 12 where I did everything. My lunch, dinner, everything. I had no one and no help.

As if that's not bad enough, at the age of 13 I developped Anorexia that lasted around 1-2 years. I have wronged people when I was hurting, I have. But the times I have rewarded people? The times I have helped strangers or friends? The times I placed myself below others? The times I sacrificed things in my life for others? Were way too many more times than those who I have wronged people. Where's the justice in that? Where's the Karma in that?

This is my line of though. If karma was truly real, I and many other people, wouldn't be in such a shitty place for no reason. Because we are kind, we help, we love and what do others do? Take that for advantage. Use you, break you and use you all over again. There is no karma. But I will tell you this much, fuck with me now and I will make you believe in Karma in one second.

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