Creepy Story Time

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Creepy Story Time
Post # 1

This thread was made for you to post your creepy stories here. N othing graphic nor gruesome , this thread is only to get your spook on. Ready for some spooky stories?! Let's go!

Re: Creepy Story Time
Post # 2
' There are beings that are not from this world. They call themselves " The Sumi ". Now that you know of them, they know of you.
During World War II, the Nazi medium Maria Orstrisch made the very first telepathic encounter with them. After years of communication, she was kidnapped in 1945 and she was never seen again. Since then, anyone that knows about them disappears shortly after.
In less than one day, you'll start feeling like you're not alone, in any place. As they approach, you'll be able to see them in reflections, that will be more and more clear as the week passes.
After that, they'll start to appear physically to you and in less than one month they will kidnap you and you'll never be seen again.
I write this in hopes that someone reads it and finds a way of stopping them, even if it's with one last act of despair.
So, from now on... Watch out because they know of you. '

Re: Creepy Story Time
Post # 3
Is your idea to stay up until 3 a.m.. ? Then read this text.

There is an hour when the demons are at their strongest on Earth, an hour where the veil between our world and theirs is lifted, and this hour is 3 a.m..

You've probably seen in a lot of movies the camera focusing on the watch and it shows it's 3 a.m.. or a bit later, and then something gives you a big scare, because something evil happens on the character. There is a truth in this, because for many paranormal scholars, 3 a.m.. is the hour when the demons walk on Earth and people are more likely to suffer their torments.

But why 3 a.m.. ? Many people believe that it's because Christ died 3 p.m.. and this hour became the symbolic time of Christ. 3 a.m.. would be the opposite time, therefor, a time of evil.
That's why for many people, waking up at 3 a.m.. is a bad omen, now, if you listen to something like knocking 3 times, hearing your name being whispered to your ear 3 times, or anything that's 3 times, friend you better pray a lot! Everything that comes in 3 is to mock Christianism, that is based in the Holy Trinity: Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

Besides that normally around 3 a.m.. is when people are more likely to suffer from any paranormal event, therefor giving a bigger advantage for demons. The veil that separates the world of the living with the world of the dead is lifted.

Re: Creepy Story Time
Post # 4

You're lucky, you know? You'll never hear the twisted whispers that come from the closet, you'll never feel the fear crawling in to your spine. You'll never make a stop while walking down a hall, because if you know you look back, you'll see something that shouldn't be there.

Something that lurks in the shadows. Something that when you see it, it will never stop running towards you. He won't come after you when you are asleep. He wants you to know that he's there. He wants you to hear his incessant steps, his breath echoing through your room. He smells your fear, and listens to your crying, and he can see the horror in your face when he approaches.

If you're lucky, you wont' try to find him. You'll never listen to the signs. You won't try to find the things that fly in the corner of your eye. Ignorance will be your shield and protection.

Don't be too curious, take the sounds as if they were of an old home, or a flaw in the heater or any other excuse you can think of. No matter what you do, no matter what you think, do not believe. Because once you believe, they will come true.
And once you know who they are...
They will come to you.

Re: Creepy Story Time
Post # 5

In 1970, a woman bought an old rag doll and gave it to her daughter - named Lisa - as a gift. Meanwhile, a bit later, the girl started to notice weird events relacted with the doll, that seemed to move on it's own & be found in different places of the house, without anyone moving it. Besides that, the girl also started to find papers all written with a child's hand writting, and she even saw the doll standing on it's own, one time.

After talking with a medium, the girl was informed that the doll was possessed by the spirit of a little girl - Annabelle was her name - that had died in the same building where Lisa lives, and after that finding, the paranormal events intensified. Lisa, decided to call a " ghost-busters " couple, that happen to live near her, only to find out that the doll was indeed possessed, by a lying demon.

The couple - Ed & Lorraine Warren - took the doll and kept it in a glass box, the doll can be found to this day, in the Museum Of Occultism, located in Connecticut.

Obs: The name of the girl ( Lisa ) is no the correct name, the story didn't shared what her real name was. Although, I named her Lisa so you wouldn't be confused.

Re: Creepy Story Time
Post # 6

" The last person on Earth was alone in a room. Until someone knocked on the door. " - The shortest creepy story in the world.

Re: Creepy Story Time
Post # 7

The Crooked Man

In 1969, a man named Ryan moved to an appartment with his son. While moving they noticed something strange in the house: The furniture was incredibly crooked. They ignored that and after a long exhausting day, they went to sleep.

Around 3 am, Ryan got up after hearing a scream coming from his son room; When he arrived at the scene he found his son being nearly killed by an entity wich he nicknamed " The Crooked Man ". Ryan took his son in to a hotel but since his financial situation wasn't good, he found himself forced to move back to the appartment.

After that, Ryan discovered a trap door that would lead to a basement. He filled his body with courage and decided to head down; He could barely see in that dense darkness, until he finally found the switch to turn on the lights, he turned the lights on and found his own son's body laying dead for what appeared to be days already, next to the body was written:

" There was a crooked man, who lived in a crooked house... "

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