Herbal Magic

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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 14
  • Oak - Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, and Luck
  • Oats - Money
  • Olive - Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, and Lust
  • Onion - Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Money, Prophetic Dreams, and Lust
  • Orange - Love, Divination, Luck, and Money
  • Orchid - Love
  • Oregon Grape - Money and Prosperity
  • Orris - Love, Protection, and Divination.
  • Palm, Date - Fertility and Potency
  • Pansy - Love, Rain Magick, Love, and Divination
  • Papaya - Love and Protection
  • Parsley - Love, Protection, and Purification
  • Passion Flower - Peace, Sleep, and Friendship
  • Patchouly - Money, Fertility, and Lust
  • Pea - Money and Love
  • Peach - Love, Exorcism, Longevity, Fertility, and Wishes
  • Pear - Lust and Love
  • Pecan - Money and Employment
  • Pennyroyal - Strength, Protection, and Peace
  • Peony - Protection and Exorcism
  • Pepper - Protection and Exorcism
  • Peppermint - Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, and Psychic Powers
  • Persimmon - Healing and Lust
  • Pimento - Love
  • Pine - Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, and Money
  • Pineapple - Luck, Money, and Chastity
  • Pistachio - Breaking Love Spells
  • Plum - Healing
  • Poke - Courage and Hex Breaking
  • Pomegranate - Divination, Luck, Wishes, Wealth, and Fertility
  • Poplar - Money and Flying
  • Poppy - Fertility, Love, Sleep, Money, Luck
  • Potato - Image Magick, and Healing
  • Prickly Ash - Love
  • Primrose - Protection and Love
  • Purslane - Sleep, Love, Luck, Protection, and Happiness
  • Quince - Protection, Love, and Happiness


Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to Earth Enchantments ~ Ellen Dugan

Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner -> by Scott


The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, and Brews - Written by Scott Cunningham.

Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Written by Scott Cunningham



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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 15
  • Radish - Protection and Lust
  • Ragweed - Courage
  • Raspberry - Protection and Love
  • Rattlesnake Root - Protection and Money
  • Rhubarb - Protection and Fidelity
  • Rice - Protection and Fidelity
  • Roots - Protection, Power, and Divination
  • Rose - Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love, Divination, Luck, and Protection
  • Rosemary - Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, and Youth
  • Rowan - Psychic Powers, Healing, Protection, and Success
  • Rue - Healing, Health, Mental Powers, Exorcism, and Love
  • Rye - Love and Fertility
  • Saffron - Love, Healing, Happiness, Wind Raising, Lust, Strength, and Psychic Powers
  • Sage - Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, and Wishes
  • Sagebrush - Purification and Exorcism
  • St. John's Wort - Health, Power, Protection, Strength, Love, Divination, and Happiness
  • Sandalwood - Protection, Healing, Exorcism, and Spirituality
  • Sarsaparilla - Love and Money
  • Sassafras - Health and Money
  • Savory, Summer - Mental Powers
  • Skullcap - Love, Fidelity and Peace
  • Senna - Love
  • Sesame - Money and Lust
  • Shallot - Purification
  • Skunk Cabbage - Legal Matters
  • Slippery Elm - Stops Gossip
  • Snakeroot - Luck and Money
  • Snakeroot, Black - Love, Lust, and Money
  • Snapdragon - Protection
  • Solomon's Seal - Protection and Exorcism
  • Sorrel Wood - Healing and Health
  • Southern Wood - Love, Lust, and Protection
  • Spanish Moss - Protection
  • Spearmint - Healing, Love, and Mental Powers
  • Spiderwort - Love
  • Spikenard - Love
  • Star Anise - Psychic Powers, and Luck
  • Strawberry - Love and Luck
  • Sugar Cane - Love and Lust
  • Sunflower - Fertility, Wishes, Health, and Wisdom
  • Sweetgrass - Calling Spirits
  • Sweetpea - Friendship, Chastity, Courage, and Strength
  • Tansy - Health and Longevity
  • Tea - Riches, Courage, and Strength
  • Thistle - Strength, Protection, Hex Breaking, and Healing
  • Thistle, Holy - Purification and Hex Breaking
  • Thistle, Milk - Snake enraging
  • Thyme - Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, and Courage
  • Toadflax - Protection and Hex Breaking
  • Toadstool - Believed to bring rain.
  • Tobacco - Healing and Purification
  • Turmeric - Purification
  • Turnip - Protection and bringing an end to relationships.
  • Uva Ursa - Psychic Work
  • Valerian - Love, Sleep, Purification, and Protection


Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to Earth Enchantments ~ Ellen Dugan

Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner -> by Scott


The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, and Brews - Written by Scott Cunningham.

Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Written by Scott Cunningham



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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 16

Herbal sachets

These are small bags filled with herbs and used for a specific purpose. Ex: love, luck, protection, etc. The color of the bag and the herbs held within it all pertain to your purpose or intent. You can also draw symbols on the outside of the bag(s) that pertain to your goal.

I have provided an example below for anyone that wishes to try making a sachet.

Herb and Crystal Healing Sachet

In a red or white sachet add a tablespoon of each of the following herbs(or teaspoons depending on the size of the sachet used)peppermint, sage, thyme, rosemary, and one agate or green quartz crystal. As you add the herbs and crystal(s) to the sachet, visualize each being filled with healing power. You can also say a verse to further charge the herbs and sachet with your intent.

Once the sachet is filled, place it in the bath water. As you do, visualize herbs imbuing the water with healing properties and promoting healing energy to either yourself or the individual bathing in the water. You can also add salt to the water for purification.

As you bathe you can also visualize your illness or injury being absorbed by the water and sachet.

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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 17
Herbal Bath
What are they:
An herbal bath is a bath to which various herbs are added to imbue the water and the bather with a desired aspect. They are used for love, healing, improving psychic awareness, personal protection, etc.
To create an herbal bath, add the herbs associated with your desire into either cheese cloth, a tea ball, a mesh sachet, or directly to the bath water. Allow the herbs to steep. Allow them to change the color of the water and infuse it with their scent. If you don't have a tub you can rub the sachet on your body during a shower or hang it from the shower head.
When the bath is ready, step into the tub and feel the water and the herbs empowering you with the qualities you desire. Visualize your goal and invite the qualities into yourself. In your mind's eye, see yourself already having these qualities. Soak in the water for as long as you desire.
You can also burn incense or candles associated with your desire, if you feel it will improve the spell.
I have also provided an example below to give you some ideas.
Divination Bath: Use this in a bath before performing forms of divination.
  • 3 parts Thyme
  • 2 parts Yarrow
  • 2 parts Rose
  • 1 part Patchouli
  • 1 part Nutmeg
Healing Bath: Use this bath to help speed healing.
  • 3 parts Rosemary
  • 2 parts Lavender
  • 2 parts Rose
  • 1 part Spearmint
Protection Bath: Bathe in this daily to increase protection.
  • 2 parts Bay
  • 2 parts Dill
  • 1 part Lavender
  • 1 part Marigold
Love Bath:
  • 3 parts Rose Petals
  • 2 parts Rosemary
  • 1 part Violet
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, and Brews ~ Written by Scott Cunningham
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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 18
Rose Symbolism
Roses have always been associated with love and romance, however, rose colors mean so much more.
  • Burgundy: deep, more tempestuous love
  • Celadon Green: prosperity, fertility, luck
  • Coral: affection and charm
  • Hot Pink : passion
  • Ivory: romance, a mature love
  • Orange: vitality and energy
  • Pale Pink: romance, dreamy/first loves, can be used to invoke warm feelings.
  • Purple: power, fairy enchantment
  • Red: true love, lust, romance
  • Red and White: creativity, unity, and solidarity
  • Yellow: joy and happiness, communication, the sun
  • White: peace, innocence, the moon
" Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to-Earth Enchantments " ~ Ellen Dugan
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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 19
Peppercorn Protection:
Crush an odd number of peppercorns, as you crush them focus on their energy both filling and surrounding your home with protective energies.
Once the corns are crushed place them in a small glass jar or bottle and add either pins or needles. Place a cap or cork on the bottle and place it out of sight in a room that you would consider the heart of your home.
Simple Bay Leaf Spell:
Bay, much like sage, can be used to clear an area of negative energies and help quiet spirit activity. The following is a very simple spell that can be used to do both.
Find a large bay leaf, and with a fine tipped marker, write down any negative influence in your life. As you write visualize all of your problems going into the bay leaf. Once done, burn the bay leaf and as the leaf burns visualize it destroying the negativity and the issue or negative influence that is troubling you.
Purification Spray:
This spray can be used to purify both objects and people.
Mix together the follow in a spray bottle to help get rid of bacteria, germs, negativity, etc. The oils have both natural antimicrobial properties and are associated with the magical properties of cleanings and banishing negativity. Thus, they can be used for both physical and spiritual purification.
  • 30 drops of tea tree oil
  • 40 drops of pure lavender essential oil
  • 1 ounce food-grade alcohol
  • 1 ounce witch hazel
  • 3 ounces triple distilled water
Mix the ingredients together and use this spray to clean surfaces, hands, ritual space, etc.
You could also use rosemary, orange, lemongrass, or ecucalypt6us essential oils in place of lavender.
Llewellyn's 2011 Witches' Spell-A-Day Almanac - Purification Spray - Article by Dallas Jennifer Cobb
" Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to-Earth Enchantments " ~ Ellen Dugan
Llewellyn's 2011 Witch's Spell-A-Day Almanac ~ article by Laurel Reufner
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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 20
And Just as a reminder~
Disclaimer: As always, check with a medical professional before using any homeopathic remedy or herbal supplement(s)! In serious cases of illness or injury, herbal remedies should never be used in place of modern medical practice. Before working with any herb or plant you are not familiar with, properly research it, its possible allergens, toxicity, etc.

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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 21
Violet & Daffodil Love Bundles
Violets and daffodils are beautiful flowers, and ones that I find popping up around my garden each spring. The violet and daffodil are flowers that I personally associate with love and loving energies, so it seems only fitting that they should be mentioned in spells for love. Gather together equal numbers of daffodils and violets. I usually gather between 4 to 6 of each flower; just enough to make a small bouquet. Tie the flowers together with a pink ribbon and place them in a vase. Hold your hands over the flowers and (if you are giving them to an individual as a gift) visualize the flowers strengthening the bonds of love and friendship between the two of you, I would also suggest saying a small chant associated with your intent. If you are using the flowers for yourself, do the same, but simply visualize them vibrating with loving energy and drawing that energy to you, again you can say a small chant to cement your intent. You can also dry the flowers, when they start to wilt, and carry them in a small, charm sachet to bring loving vibrations and energies to you.

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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 22
Money Spells: Honeysuckle can be burned as an incense to attract money and wealth into your home. Burning it regularly is believed to bring financial blessings to the home and those that inhabit it. It also sweetens the thoughts of those that smell it.
Psychic Powers and Psychic Awareness: The sent of honeysuckle clears the mind and can strengthen psychic abilities. Crushing a small amount of the flowers and placing them on the third eye for a short period of time, or under your pillow while you sleep is believed to increase psychic abilities. Placing the dried flowers around the home is also believed to increase intuition.
Protection and Love: It can be added to protection and love sachets and used in spells to attract love and grant protection. If planted in the garden or near your home, it is believed to protect them from evil.
www.ehow.com/info_8186260_honeysuckle-magical-uses .html www.thewhitegoddess.co.uk/herborium/honeysuckle.as p
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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 23
Sunflower Magic
Sunflowers are associated with protection, faith, luck, and flexibility. If given as a gift, it is a symbol of safety and happiness in the home.You will need a sunflower plant for this. Alternatively you can use an large, uncooked sunflower seed. Face the sun, breathe deeply and take into yourself the aspects of the sunflower. Feel yourself absorbing abundance, longevity, and prosperity into your life just as the sunflower absorbs energy from the sun. Now, remove a large, ripe seed from the sunflower (or the largest seed you can find from your seed packet) and place it in your pocket. It is believed that this will bring you protection, along with the other aspects associated with the sunflower.
Llewellyns 2011 Witches Spell-A-Day-Almanac - Article name: Sunflower Protection - Written by: Dallas Jennifer Cobb
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