Spell to forget?

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Spell to forget?
Post # 1
This is a tricky one really. If for example you cast a spell to help another person and you want that spell to have every chance of working, you have to let go and forget about it. How do you forget about it if the person involved is always on your mind?

If you cast a spell to forget that person (so that the spell would have more chance of working) would it work against the original spell you cast to help them?

Is it the spell itself you should forget in order for it to work or is it the purpose of the spell and people involved as well?

I hope this makes sense.

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Re: Spell to forget?
Post # 2
There's no spell to forget. You see when you cast a spell for someone you are binding yourself to that person the only way to unbind yourself is to reverse the spell!
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Re: Spell to forget?
Post # 3
OK, thanks for your input. I will try to forget the spell and when I do think of the person I will make sure they are positive thoughts.
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Re: Spell to forget?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I wouldn't imagine forgetting such a spell to be helpful. And I definitely don't think forgetting the person would be helpful. If they're always on your mind to begin with you obviously care about them.
There is nothing wrong with building focus around a helpful spell, however, if you're able there's also nothing wrong with sitting back and waiting to see the results. If the person is always on you're mind,however, I strongly suggest the prior.

On the other hand, a binding or otherwise harmful spell or curse, the general rule is "if you must be cruel, do it quickly". Depending, of course, on the practice.
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