need dream interpretation

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need dream interpretation
Post # 1
Hello everyone. Let me start off by saying that last week I performed a spell to help me to be open to receiving messages from my spirit guides and for them to reveal themselves to me. So I had a dream the other night that I was at home looking out the window and I saw a full moon that was yellow in color with a bunch of owls in the trees staring at me. Then one owl that resembled a barn owl appeared on my deck and kept getting closer. Then he got in my house and started chasing me. I ran out of fear and then he appeared before me at least 10 feet tall. And he had the largest eyes I have ever seen on an animal. I was afraid but also in awe. Then I woke up. I believe this owl was my spirit totem and the dream was a result of my spell. But what do you guys think?? I'm all ears.
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Re: need dream interpretation
Post # 2
Well, owls in Native American belief, symbolizes knowledge and a guide through darkness. Is there anything that you feel is keeping you lost in the dark? Perhaps your seeking knowledge, and spell you cast is the result of that knowledge.

A full moon symbolizes immortality, eternity, and enlightment. It was also used as a guide to people who were lost (I would use it in my woods as natural light), when you puece this all together, from what I see is you are lost and seeking a way out of darkness(because of the moon and owl), you also seek knowledge from your spirit guides, and you are enlightend to do so.

I'm not an expert, but that's what the dream seems like to me.
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Re: need dream interpretation
Post # 3
THANK U MADAM LET ME ADD MORE:To chase you out means your spirit needs to show U something very vital than that of in your minds,the colour of owl is not identified in your dream,yellow moon just identifies good way that your spirits need to show you,i think it was a night dream in your dream means black spirits need to take u,In conclusion your owl it was in adream to guide so another wait upto the end of the dream theres something your owl need you to know stay running u will see it.
(Even i'm still learning but in my area am great)
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