Demon summoning

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Re: Demon summoning
Post # 11
Don't rely on web sites; try books. There are some which have gone into the public domain due to their age, and can be legally downloaded for free.
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Re: Demon summoning
Post # 12
In my opinion it is up to you for what you should summon and do.

However like nearly everyone else, If you need to ask then you're not ready. Study it for a good while, before you jump into it. " Look before you leap. " basically.

Now like after you've studied it for a good couple years or so, you could ask others who've studied it for tips like " Should I do this like blank says, or should I do this like blank two says? "
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Re: Demon summoning
Post # 13
Which books? Could someone recommend me some books or sites I need somewhere to start.

Where can I download the books?

I'm really serious about this so I want to learn. I want to study. But I don't know the right books and I don't want to waste my time on fakes so

Book recommendations?
Site Recommendations?
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Re: Demon summoning
Post # 14
I have provided you with the recommendation of reading S.Connolly's books, so now I guess I will just provide you with the link to some of her books that are available as a free pdf since you have no intention of looking for it yourself.
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Re: Demon summoning
Post # 15
Try these pdfs.
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Re: Demon summoning
Post # 16
Id advise you disregard the answers of " if you have to ask, you're not ready." The goetic magic is one of the tamest stats going; it's an excellent starting point for anyone looking to get started on the left hand path, black magic etc.
I suggest you join the black cross coven ( under the covens tab ) and ask you're question there.
Anyway, to answer your question.
Do's and don'ts:
Basically, don't be rude. Making demands and binding the demon within a circle is a sure fire way to piss it off.
Approach the evocation with confidence and also respect ( like you would if you were working with anyother very powerful mage ).
Evoke in a way you feel comfortable. You should design your own evocation and include steps that you want to perform. Magic is done using the mind, the steps must help focus it.
How to summon:
Like any other evocation. If you're new to evocation, then a fairly standard set up is to enter a meditative state and call out to the demon. Feel the demon's aura and pull it towards your ritual space, guide it.
Candles, incense etc. can all be added as you see fit.
Any specific demons you should avoid:
Best way to find them:
Lists of goetic demons can be found online, you could also look on lhp focused forums.
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