
CovenSpell Casters ► Dreams
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Post # 1
Hello All,

So I don't particularly remember my dreams, but when I do they are very vivid, they usually involve the people in my life, a lot of pain or death, sometimes signs that I see later on, or I may dream a specific "scene" of someone saying or doing something and it happens days to months later. I sometimes doubt myself, but I stopped doubting because I did a spell talking to the gods and goddesses, and at dawn I woke up from a quick dream of me covered in blood screaming, it's been on my mind all day. Should I stop doubting myself and go deeper into dream analogy? I meditate a lot because my mind wanders and I get bad migraines, it scares me sometimes. Maybe I should leave it alone but I'm not sure to be honest. I just need some help.
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Re: Dreams
Post # 2
this is rare you are a seer from the look of it you get dream visions. I can help you I am a seer too. I don't have dream vision but I have a bunch of voices telling me stuff in my head. Sometimes when I walk up to someone all I con see is a big number so I'm pretty much blind.

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Re: Dreams
By: / Novice
Post # 3
i've had prophetic dreams since i was a child, they are very real, but i've never learned how to figure out which is prophetic and which isn't [usually it's a vivid reoccurring dream] if i were you i would defiantly look into dream interpretation, i've done it for years as a hobby and you can learn a lot since the mind gives you clues through symbols in your dream.
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Re: Dreams
Post # 4
Hello Mai :),
The forum you have described verbally is a similar experience I have had an number of times. Where if the dream is important you will find it easier to recall it because it's trying to get a message to you.

As a clairvoyant person, if there's a important message or situation I will recall it easier and then record every detail you see, every sentence that's spoken and etc. The spirit realm will also sent message to you by using people, symbols and even a situation whether you like it or not your mind and/or the spirit realm will use it as symbolism for you to act upon it.

Also when I look into my dreams I'd strongly suggest that next time you wake up in bed and go to bed record the time because the spirit realm LOVE numberology. So there's a angelic message in time as well which will help you get a clearer message.
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