Spell casting websites

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Spell casting websites
Post # 1
What are people's opinions on spell casting websites who charge to cast a spell for you. I know there must be a lot of fraud out there relating to spell casting, but what about the real ones? I have recently been in touch with someone at seductive spells dot com and they have been really helpful.

Basically I am very new to this and would prefer if the professionals helped me at this time while I am still learning. I would not want to do anything which could adversely affect the situation I am already in by casting my own spell and making a mistake.

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Re: Spell casting websites
Post # 2
Personally, i think that most of them are frauds, and I wouldn't trust them. You should take the time to learn magic and just cast it yourself. Even make your own spell so the effects are stronger.
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Re: Spell casting websites
Post # 3
term, Cybermancer: This word refers to "Computer Wizards"--particularly "hackers" and those who specialize in seeking out and obtaining obscure information through sophisticated Internet search techniques. Another name for this is Technomage, from the science-fiction TV series Babylon 5.
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Re: Spell casting websites
Post # 4
I appreciate your comments, but surely there are legitimate spell casters out there who can provide a service which an amateur spell caster simply cannot master within a few weeks. There must be some legitimate websites out there?

Does anyone here have any experience of such websites or have had spells cast for them by more experienced spell casters?

I am very new to this way of life and take it very seriously, but I cannot afford to wait years to cast the appropriate spell for my situation.

Many thanks,

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Re: Spell casting websites
Post # 5
if you are new to magick and you can't wait to learn from it and cast spell right off the bat then i ask you to stop before you hurt yourself or other people.
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Re: Spell casting websites
Post # 6
So if someone came to you and asked you to cast a spell for them for the right reasons, you would tell them to go away and study for a few years?

I understand that there are a lot of people out there meddling in magick when they shouldn't, but there are some people who appreciate the power of magick but do not have the experience to utilise its full potential.

Surely there are some legitimate spell casters who wish to assist other less experienced people with their lives and well-being?

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Re: Spell casting websites
Post # 7
There are many legit of covens who have members who cast spells for you or sell kits that give you the items(blessed)and the spell to say all you add is intent.There are also frauds,check out the wicca magazines who can reffer you or you can just ask I will give you a reliable site.I also suggest you start doing your own spells you can get basic info for free on many sites and you do not need to buy many items.PLEASE COMMENT BACK ON THIS SITE(I am new here just started 2 days ago)I will reply back,but you are right there are alot of fraud moneytakers,I had it happen to me awhile ago.
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Re: Spell casting websites
Post # 8
Thanks Sharona22. I knew that there had to be a few legitimate websites out there, it's just finding the right one. I have sent you a message.

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Re: Spell casting websites
Post # 9
Eh.. You don't need to have the items really, they're just for focusing, with your will you can make things happen..
Spells, they're much more powerful if you cast them yourself..
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