Love with Faires

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Love with Faires
Post # 1
Is it possible for a human to fall in love with a fairy? And if it happens what happens to the human? And the fairy? Is this even possible? Is it possible for the two to have a relationship? I'm sorry if I sound ignorant or uneducated. Or if this is a stupid question. I just thought of it one day.
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Re: Love with Faires
Post # 2
Humans seem to have the capability to fall in love with anything, so i would say yes. But a human and a creature of the Fae can not have a relationship, perhaps a friendship at the most. Nothing will really happen to the human, maybe the faery would play tricks on them? It's important to remember that faeries aren't like tinker bell, they are small element spirits such as gnomes, sylphs, and salamanders, and do not live in our realm. They are spirits of the earth and do not have relationships the way humans do.
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Re: Love with Faires
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3

Is it possible to have a romantic relationship with a Faery? In all seriousness, romantic/family ties with spirits have been around for centuries, many witches have claimed to have had a Faery or 'Lesser Demon' lover and many people have been accused of having a Spirit Lover - in most cases they come under the title of a Fetch , a personal spirit that is linked to you and what happens between you and the Fetch is between you and that Fetch.

At times the Fetch was seen as a Faery, sometimes an extention of the Witch or a Demon, depends who you ask really but ultimately it did come down to the fact of 'This was part of the many superstitions of communities across the glove'

What happens? Nothing really, a lot of the 'relationship' is done through Hedge Craft (Hedge Witchery) which is the practice of crossing over into the Otherside and working your business/desires through there. The Faery won't vanish, the Human won't become a Faery - nothing actually happens - there is no 'consequences' of such from this, unless you offend the spirit and it comes at you with a vengence.

You can read a little bit about this in the book 'A Deed Without a Name, Unearthing the Legacy of Traditional Witchcraft' by Lee Morgan and by reading my post 'Of Fetches and Familiars' linked here:

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