Protection enchantments

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Protection enchantments
Post # 1
Hello! So I just had a couple of questions for who ever has experience with this topic. My first question is can you put protection on items you would wear like jewelry? My second question is can you put more then one protection spell on a specific item or would they cancel each other out? Still trying to learn so any kind of tips or insight would be very appreciated! Thanks!
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Re: Protection enchantments
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Yes you can. Enchanting items is a fairly common practice done by many.

An easy way to enchant a talisman or amulet would be to charge it with the energy that you would wish it to have. For example, if you had a ring that you wished to be empowered with protective energies you would visualize and feel it glowing with that power/energy. It's also a good idea to cleanse the item before enchanting it.
The processing of charging the item usually only takes a few minutes, and you should be able to feel if it is or isn't charged. Most of my items that I've done this with tend to give off an energy.
Doing more than one enchantment (in this case protection)on a the item would just strengthen your intent.
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Re: Protection enchantments
Post # 3
First question: I write protection spells and I always enchant a piece of jewelry for protection (example: I have a pewter necklace of Anubis and I blessed it with his name and my own spell) and it worked, I keeps my mind clear and I feel safe whenever I wear it. So yes you can enchant a piece of jewelry with a protection spell.

second question: I never tried it, but I would assume it would cancel each other out, it depends which God/Goddess you are asking for protection, a good example would be if you ask an egyptian god or goddess for protection, then asking a greek or norse god or goddess for the same protection. It depends which belief you are stronger in, than again they could not cancel each other out and you will just have two deities protecting you as long as they are not enemies.

Also know that writing your own spell, especially protection spells, will be stronger and have a better affect than using one that is pre-written.

I suggest doing a lot of research before casting any spells, there is no easy spell and they should not be taken lightly. Here are some forums and articles several people suggest new comers to read before they consider any spells.

Starting Out:

The Basics Expanded :


Grounding and Centering :

The Elements :

Magical Correspondences :

How to Write Your Own Spells -

How to Astral Project -
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Re: Protection enchantments
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Magic Items from Misc Topics.
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