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Post # 1
Hello,i am new here.I do not know much about magic so maybe somebody can help me?I only know something about the keys of Solomon and that is not enough knowledge for doing the stuff i want to do.I really hope this site helps me.
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Re: Hello
Post # 2
Welcome to SpellofMagic!

For starters I recommend going over the list of Forum Threads provided to you by one of the Moderator in here when you created the account. You will find that on your mail. (All of which you will find on the General Info section of the Forum, like: The Basics Expanded)

If you are really new, it is also advisable to do a bit of research about what Magic is, and what can and cannot be done with Magic.

People will help you out in here if it is within their knowledge or experty so don't be afraid to ask those you think have the answers to your questions! Explore the forums as well, you may find the answers there or something interesting to include in your study.

If you really are having problems in finding what is considered a satisfying answer for your question, just start a Forum Thread and people will try to provide you options or answers!

Should be transferred to the: Introductions section of the Forum.
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Re: Hello
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Introduce Yourself from Welcome.
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Re: Hello
Post # 4

Hello and welcome to Spells of Magic! We have many forums and articles which can teach you a lot. It really depends on what you are interested in. We also have a chatter where you can talk to people. Under the groups tab we even have covens you can join which have a closer knit community in which you can discuss things which has their own set of forums.

Oh and by the way, to the person below the original poster: Unless you are an editor/moderator commenting on every post how it should be moved does nothing. We are able to acess the situation and handle it before even reading your suggestion. We move things based on the original poster and do not always read all of the replies. So the commentary isn't alerting us in any way.

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Re: Hello
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

If you're serious about learning how to do magic and with starting from the rock-bottom then you don't start out by casting spells, you start out by learning how and why magic works.

You see, there is no such thing as an "easy" spell or a "beginner" spell. One either understands how magic works and has mastered the basics...in which case the magic will work..or you haven't done that sort of work..and no spell will work no matter how "easy" it seems.

Casting a successful spell involves much more than finding some spell on the internet or in a book, saying some words, lighting a candle, waving a wand of any of that sort of thing. In order for magic to work you need to understand how and why it works in the first place. Grounding and centering, visualization, focus and intent, energy manipulation, etc are all necessary first steps to even begin to have a chance at a spell actually working...and more importantly to prevent a spell from back-firing on you.

So, my advice for anyone who is truly serious is to start by reading a few books and practicing the exercises those books will give you. Once you have mastered the basics you won't need anyone to give you spells, you'll be able to create your own spells that will be far more effective than anything you find on the net. Here's the books I suggest:

"Before You Cast a Spell" by Carl McColman

"Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar

"The Veil's Edge" by Willow Polson

"Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig

And the following links in this thread will also help you learn the basic skills necessary for effective spellwork.

Starting Out: http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=71692

The Basics Expanded : http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=483942

Visualization: http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=526472

Grounding and Centering : http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_posts.html?post=829288

The Elements : http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=548077

Magical Correspondences : http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=819642

How to Write Your Own Spells - I just finished writing an article on the steps and thought processes of creating your own spells. You can read the article at http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=829629

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