Spell to remove my boss

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Spell to remove my boss
Post # 1
Hello, I need a spell that will remove my boss from our work. I have three boss so needs to be exact to her only. Before anyone is to be negative to me, I must say this that she
Makes everyone very upset and not of ease. She hate it in our job and want to leave. I try to make it known that she is making upset but am not having this as luck. I wish her to find something else fast so she and we all can be okay. She make me very sad in my jon and other people. They leave for her but she is wanting to leave.
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Re: Spell to remove my boss
Post # 2
There is no spell that will force someone to leave, if you truly want her gone, call your HR(human resources) about it, explain them detail on how she is treating you and others, you could also report her, but she will have to do something against your works policy. if she doesn't like her job recommend putting applications out, or tell her to quit.
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Re: Spell to remove my boss
Post # 3
I agree with ShadowCasts in that there is no spell that will forcibly remove someone from their place of employment. However, there are other things that can be attempted. Have you and your co-workers tried to set up a meeting with her to let her know how her behavior is negatively affecting the work environment and making you and the others uncomfortable? Sometimes it takes more than hints to get ideas across. I would recommend directly communicating this issue with her in a professional manner and see what happens from there.
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Re: Spell to remove my boss
Post # 4
We did try all this. I am it saying to be forcing her out, and I know not to effect will of an other. I mean is there a spell maybe for to help her find job faster or something. I know she is finding sadness being here so I wish her to find job to make her happier then we could be happy. I think her mot a bad person, I feel itbus her being sad make her acting this way. (sorry for my English!)
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Re: Spell to remove my boss
Post # 5
I'm not sure on a spell, but you could try a wish spell or a honey jar to help her with her search, but I am not 100% sure that it will help.
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Re: Spell to remove my boss
Post # 6
Thank you.I will see if trying this is to help this problem.
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Re: Spell to remove my boss
Post # 7
If someone is doing something that disrupts the working environment (People and Progress of work) the best recommendation will be to inform the HR Department about it than taking matters into your own hand. The HR Department I am sure won't consent actions that stops the progress of the work that needs to be done even if they are manager or supervisor position.

While that is the proper procedure everyone must take, let me set your expectations earlier by now that most companies will likely prefer ("assholes") because:
1. They know what they need to do; and
2. Because they are the best on what they do
[Understand those two well, especially for new employee's]

People will be investing more money on people with experience than those who are only new in the company or less than a year. And that is the bitter truth about reality.

If you are one of the new employee's this will be a challenge to your patience. The question is: Will you give in? You work so hard to get to where you are now and you are surrendering already because you do not like what you see? If not, then don't surrender. Never give in to your pride.

These are indeed tough times though you have to learn to adjust to your surroundings. Life isn't always fair or happy.

But the best part of it all, will be the Experience you get by facing the challenges head on. I do not believe the managers or supervisors are there to break you down just to keep their jobs. They are there to help you prepare for war until you are ready to lead the next pack of employee's. (That is you being promoted to handle your own team or new employee's) Now doesn't that sound great? They just want you to grow. And when you do grow (you grow to be better than who you are back then when you were still unexperienced) Never take things too personal or else it can really be the end of your current career.
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Re: Spell to remove my boss
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8

I had a boss like that once upon a time and I successfully sent them on their way to someplace else. Here's how I did it.

Everytime I saw this person I visualized her smiling and waving goodbye as she left the office with the intent to find another job. I would gather energy and push it towards her departure while saying "Go. Be happy somewhere else" and raising energy to that effect.

Within a few months of doing this she was offered a better job on the far side of town with a higher salary. Just as I visualized, she stopped at the door waved goodbye to us and left the office with a smile on her face.

It worked perfectly.

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Re: Spell to remove my boss
By: / Beginner
Post # 9
Use hot foot powder
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