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Post # 1
so yesterday i did a God Spell and Half God Half Demon Spell so today i feel really sick like im about to puke and having some fevers is this somthing to do with the spells? am i in some sort of denger?
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Re: sick
By: / Novice
Post # 2

You cannot become a God, or a half God-half demon, there won't be any negative effects from these spells as they are not real.

If you are feeling unwell then it is for a medical reason, keep yourself hydrated, try to stay inside and relax for a few days, if you still feel unwell in a week or so talk to a medical professional.

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Re: sick
Post # 3

Well, lets be frank. You cannot become a god.

Now depending on the words in your spell, who you invoked maybe you're sick as punishment. Magick isn't exactly equivilent exchange but it can be very Karmatic. And if you offended something powerful enough, there are gods and entities surely capable of making you sick.

Then again it could be really well timed stomache bug.

I think this will pass if it was an entity making you sick. Just learn the lesson and realize that you're likely capable of doing some great things if you apply yourself.

I don't think you should try that again. Try learning to ground and channel your energy and read up on some more tangible spellcraft.

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Re: sick
Post # 4
thanks for you're comments and you're time. im not sick anymore well thats a good thing but what i dont understand is i have becomme a little more strong after these spells i dont workout so i dont understand why. but thanks for you're time
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Re: sick
By: / Novice
Post # 5
as stated spells of this nature do not work because you are human, you cannot become anything beyond a human. magick works with nature to effect the natural energy around us to bring a desired changed, however, this change has to be something natural [attract love into your life, repel negative people, attract good health, repel a habit] spells can be that extra push needed to bring a new energy into your life. it is not something you use to impress others [as seen in films]

the most likely reason you got sick after the spell is probably you cast wrong. the spell was a dud, but you still used a lot of energy, and probably your own energy [you should pull from the energy around you not the energy your body needs] this drained your body, and made you weak [when i was new my friend and i who would lead our covens circle and/or cast spells we usually crave sweets afterwards because we would tap into our own energy. still happens on occasion] i suggest before casting another spell you study a bit and defiantly do some energy work [charging, grounding, making psi balls, shielding] so you get a better feel for the energies natural flow. this should prevent another casting resulting in you getting sick.

another option could be either a placebo effect, you tricked your mind into thinking the spell was working which effected your body, or perhaps your deity [or the universe, whatever you believe] wanted to teach you a lesson. either way, learn from this experience, good luck to you.
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