I need advice

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I need advice
Post # 1
Hey, I have a question. Does anyone still believe in the Soulmate Principle?
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Re: I need advice
By: / Novice
Post # 2
what is the 'soulmate principle'? that everyone has one? that there is only one? that your souls are intertwined?

personally i'm not sure. i don't believe in love at first sight, but i know some people work into their handfasting vows they will find each other in the next reincarnation [side note: handfasting is a witches wedding ceremony] but others see the 'next lifetime commitment' a little too extreme as your next life is a new life, what if you're reborn as grass and your lover is a rock. or you're a bear, and they're a raven?

as per you get one true love, i'm also on the fence. statistically there's like a million people you're compatible with, but it is comforting to think you found the one person in 4 billion that 'completes you' [though you complete yourself, finding completion from outside sources sets you up for heartbreak, but it is cute] personally it's someone who complements you and builds you up. on the other hand, i can see this as a bad thing, if you believe you found your 'one true love' and 20 years later you break up or they die or something, the end would be far more devastating, and it would convince the person there is no one else. you will never find love again, no one will measure up to your 'one true love', or you were wrong and begin to question everything. now, you shouldn't base your life on the possibility that 'you may be wrong' one day, but some people would.

overall, i don't think i do believe in soulmates at this time, but i do believe you can fins someone [or more than one statistically speaking.] who makes you feel like you're soulmates, but you shouldn't base your existence around finding your soulmate. enjoy the experience, even if it ends tragically, it would bring more joy than if you ignored the whole experience out of fear.
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Re: I need advice
Post # 3
Yes I do believe everyone has a soul mate my dear. But when things about this sort of thing, people tend to have a narrow mind thinking there's only one mr/mrs right. In fact that's more then one soul mate for everyone in the universe. It's all comes down to if the universe approves for two people to bond. Even if that's the case then the universe and possibly your spirit animals and guides will throw obstacles in the way between you and the other person to 'test' to see how the relationship will be maintained throughout time.
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Love spells
Post # 4
This is a spell without any ingredient you can cast this spell by focusing your attention on the person you want the spell to project. "Let the moon the stars give(mention the person's name) the love of my life". Then cleans your thought and forget about the spell you h'v cast within three days you will see the result of your spell.
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