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Post # 1
I'm alon. I'm new to this but is into all of it. Black magic and white magic is what I want learn. Oh, and I love women that are into the same and more. I want to walk through the darkness and the light.
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Re: Hello
Post # 2

Hello and welcome to Spells of Magic!

Here are some newbie articles you should check out pertaining to the rules:



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Re: Hello
Post # 3

First off welcome to "SOM" also know as "Spells Of Magic". So glad you joined the community and I hope you learn everything an more about what you want to know. I am terribly sorry to here you are alone. But I am sure that will change, Becaues there are alot of friendly people on this website and you are bound to make a friend or two.

If you want to learn about magik you should learn the basics first. Also do research on the many different kinds of paths/religions. I would even suggest picking up a divination method to start off with. Such as Tarot,Tea leaves,Astrology,Dowsing,Pendulums ext. You may also want to pick a few books to read as well.

I have accumilated over the years a vast collection of free books and if you would like some of these links, jut send me a message and ill reply with them.

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Re: Hello
Post # 4
Alien, magick does not have a color like the popular misconception states.
It is all about the intent of the practitioner.
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