3 yr old grandson

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3 yr old grandson
Post # 1
Is there anyone in here that can do a death spell on someone. I know the 3 X 3 rule by at this time I am willing to take the chance. This person is abusing my grandson everyday I want him gone
My grandson is only 3 yrs old and I fear for his life.
If something isn't done soon my grandson may die. Is there anybody put there can do this spell for free. I know there is a price to pay for everything but if someone can do this at no cost I would appreciate it so much. I wish I had money to pay to pay for it but right now I don't. I am just hoping for a miracle to rid this person from my grandson's life for good.
Thank you
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Re: 3 yr old grandson
By: / Novice
Post # 2
one thing there is no 3x3 rule. you are probably referring to the Wiccan Threefold Law which isn't a universal law of witchcraft, just a belief in Wicca that states you will receive three time good or bad what you do [and i personally feel it effects your mind, body and soul over three bad things happening to you, but it's still a possibility]

secondly, death spells are a grey area of magick some feel are impossible because of such god-like power these spells imply. if deaths spells are real it would take a ton of energy, focus and negative emotion to do that i doubt a stranger not in your situation could do [also, without a way to accurately direct the spell it's pretty much dust in the wind]

thirdly, why not go to the police? gather evidence and go to the police. if you suspect foul play make an anonymous tip to child services and they will investigate.

fourth there are many other spells you could use besides a death spell. a protection spell, a banishing spell, even a truth spell [which is kind of a grey area in my opinion, but i know many people who've used these spells to help win court cases so you never know] would be a far better route than murder.
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