Something weird

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Something weird
Post # 1
I've seen a few threads from people mentioning strange things about them. And I have one I try to ignore but have always been curious. You see for some reason and I don't know why I can always sense when people are coming. Many a time I sit at the bus stop, and then I'll look over my shoulder and someone is just about to turn the corner and come into view (no I am not hearing them coming, I just seem to know). The thing is it seems subconsciously I look around when I have this feeling. I don't turn around by thinking about it, it just happens, and does so very often. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
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Re: Something weird
Post # 2
Its a very common thing. You are just aware of what is going on around you at all times so there is nothing to be worried about.
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Re: Something weird
Post # 3
If not tremorsense the ability to feel vibrations through the earth
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