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Post # 1
I would like to read everyone's perspective/opinion or stories of something similar to this:

I am new here and I know I'm going to have many questions for yall, so please bear with me. lol.

I have noticed that when someone hurts me emotionally or if someone has wronged me in some way, it comes back on them. And I get this feeling of justice in myself because I feel like they got what they deserved. And I'm not a vengful type of person or anything, but I notice that if I do not like someone or if they have done something bad to me that they end up in bad situations and everyone else who knows them will turn on them.

Example: My fiance's cousin stirred up trouble with us because her friend was in love with my fiance. And she caused alot of damage. And now...she quit her job and doesn't take care of herself, no one likes to be around her, her girlfriend is rude to everyone and no one likes her, her only car is starting to fall apart, her brand new tires are shredded...its like her world is falling apart. And I feel like "justice is served."

Another example: My ex best friend, who was like my sister, said some horrible things about me, and now shes married to a jerk, she struggles finacially, she dropped out of college and lied about it to everyone...I have that same feeling like my fiance's cousin.

Could this just be karma? Or could I feel so hurt and wronged that I could have such strong feelings to cause this?

Help please!!
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Re: Karma?
Post # 2
I'd say it was your fault.. IMO, I think you should be very strong with curses..
Forgive others, always reason and understand another person's view and the cause of their negative and positive attitudes. I find Christians very frustrated and hyped up when I talk about religion and Christianity, yet when people talk to me about my life, when they criticise, I stay calm.

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Re: Karma?
Post # 3
Well as a Wiccan, I believe that everything you say or do, good or bad, will come back to you sooner or later in life. A good example, is the threefold law, what ever engergy you send out, good or bad, will come back to you times three. But that is what most Wiccans believe. Other cultures/relgions/ethics I do not know. Hope I helped out, blessed be.
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Re: Karma?
Post # 4
So, SilverRain, Define Good and Bad for me.
My definition is Good = benefit you or you like it
Bad = you don't like it, or you think someone else doesn't like it.
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Re: Karma?
Post # 5
Law of attraction, you put out negative energy and it will return to you amplified, same as with positive energy. When it returns it can manifest in many ways, but usually it will be within the context of what you sent out eg. you kill someone, it comes back to you but you don't die, instead your family gets taken out by a truck or something. Karma can be both fun and fatal.
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Re: Karma?
Post # 6
sounds like someones working for you...same as my situation, ex. people here, did bad thing towards me, even i did not plan to get revenge, the revenge got ahead and stroked them before me. that is why some of my friends call me a bad guy or a witch or wizard and they are not attempt to do bad against me. but this was true experience i had./ about karma, yeah believe to the saying what you sow you reap...(bad karma!!!) if you don't get things bad on you don't let others feel it by your own doing. because even you passed your next life will experience the same.
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