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Post # 1
My name is samuel. I am a 16 year old guy from south-central Wisconsin, And I have just started as a wiccan. I have always had a very deep spiritual connection with nature and love, and I have always known that magick was real. I am proud to say my grandmother is, and was raised by a witch. I just have a few simple Questions, and please pardon my ignorance. First off, are guys witches, wizards, warlocks...? i have heard many different answers, so I figured I would ask some wiccans. Secondly, is there any specific deity that is worshipped by wiccans? lastly, what is thought about LGBT love? as a pansexual, this is important to me.
Thanks and Blessed Be!
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Re: Hello.
Post # 2
As far as I have ever heard, Wiccans refer themselves as just that mainly. Your deity is one of your choosing. This is your path, so the choice is yours as to who you work with. As for LGBT, I would not worry so much as to being bashed by it. Your life preference is your own and makes you, well...You!
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Re: Hello.
Post # 3
thank you!
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