Seeing ghosts

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Re: Seeing ghosts
Post # 11

I do not know much about spirits. But if these are not spirits that you are seeing, it is most likely your mind playing tricks on you. I get migraines daily, and also ocular migraines. I see a lot of hallucinations when I have an ocular migraine, once I was in bed aching in pain, and I looked at the floor and saw cotton swabs everywhere, I am not you so I'm not saying they were not spirits, but if they weren't, your mind was probably playing tricks on you.

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Re: Seeing ghosts
Post # 12
Well the best things to do is just ask it to leave very polite way it will work even though it sounds dumb it does I've tried just simply say "Ghost what do you want or can you please leave my home. If this ghost actually can do something physically to you or an object I would recommend Using a banishing spell but before that get help from professionals first don't try to banish it not until you get help from professionals because you don't know what this ghost can do.
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Re: Seeing ghosts
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 13

Seeing spirits doesn't come in a spell. It comes from practice. If you want to learn to see spirits, practice exercises to see the aura--it's all spirit, an aura is merely a part of your spirit.

Why do you think they are "ghosts"? I would suggest searching the Spiritual Creatures forum for topics on Shadow People. You will never see more than a shadow from that type of being. That's how they appear to us for whatever reason.
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Re: Seeing ghosts
Post # 14
IV gone away from the house and seen them in town so ik its not just the hous
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Re: Seeing ghosts
Post # 15
It's not really like figures with faces there dark shapes that have a human body that has dark mist coming off it
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Re: Seeing ghosts
Post # 16
Mind you I can't look directly at them there always in the corner of my eye then I have an overwhelming urge to blink and there gone
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