Demon company

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Re: Demon company
Post # 2
Could you explain what you possibly could gain by befriending an Imp class demon? They don't need power to manipulate behind the scenes, so your fears are warranted. I'm just saying that you should explain your intentions a bit further.
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Re: Demon company
Post # 3
I'm not reffering mostly to an Imp demon. I just want a demon friend in my house that will not hurt me or anything of the else being said. I could learn about him or her and generally having a demon friend is awesome...
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Re: Demon company
Post # 4
As far as I know, befriending a demon because it's "awesome" is step one to allowing something to drastically interfere with your life. It's an ego-driven, somewhat childish decision and if you don't have good grounding, strength to control the outcome and adequate protections in place you will bring harm and unwanted consequences upon yourself. Think to yourself, if you saw a movie and there was someone like yourself thinking about doing the same thing, would you expect it to turn out well? I'm not saying you won't ever have the ability but please try to be a bit wiser about it...
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Re: Demon company
Post # 5
As Grace said, simply doing it so you have something to talk to is asking for a malevolent spirit to interfere with your life. It sounds to me like you are wanting a friendly spirit that you can talk to and learn from. Might I suggest finding your spirit totem or spirit animal. My spirit animal is a green snake that goes by the name of Titus. Whenever I need him, he is there to listen, observe, teach, and heal. Note: he exists solely in the spirit realm as willl any and all spirits or entities you draw to you. You will not see a physical manifestation of a spiritual being. That being said, there are many meditations and rituals you can use to find your spirit animal. That would be where I suggest starting your research.
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Re: Demon company
Post # 6
Personally i chose a ghost with demonish traits
And if u chose a spirit or demon u find to be friends u should make a contract thingy
Where is noted that if it hurts u or ur fam and loved ones in any way it will be punished
I did that too but i allow the ghost to hurt me when i ask her to (also noted in our contract thingy)
Just know that most spirits (that i know atleast) will use a fake name or nickname instead of name given to them
Just be sure to think before u act... I once pissed off a spirit (it was what i call an angel... Ask me for description how it looked in a private mail(it contained alot traces of the angles that god created to comunicate with humans... But they are difrent... Like what i call demon crawlers(like in the game series "F.E.A.R"))and i barely survived... So be carefull
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Re: Demon company
Post # 7
An Imp is unlikely to be malicious, but there is a rule of summoning anything: make sure you have a good enough reason. Demons in particular can be impatient with those they believe waste their time, and summoning them for awesomeness is likely to be viewed as such. Plus, you already have the attitude that it would hurt you and others close to you, so it would be even further offended by your fear. It's like inviting a friend over and handcuffing them when they have't done anything.
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Re: Demon company
Post # 8
Here are my personal thoughts

Demon summoning will most likely always be bad
It is foolish unless you have a death wish sorry
Just it's a really bad idea
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Re: Demon company
Post # 9
You arent A very open minded person are you fox love?
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Re: Demon company
Post # 10
I'll take this from the top:
1. Your mischevious friend if angered will do more damage than all the kings of Hell combined when they are calm.

2. Demons are not evil. Just discard that notion.

3. Demons are not dangerous. I mean, by conventional standards they are dangerous, but by spirit standards, there are fairies, gods, and angels who will act worse than most demons. It depends on the demon.

4. I've been performing regular demonic evocations for over 4 years. Do I look unhappy, or ill, or insane, or dead?

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Re: Demon company
Post # 11
zelotar's right on all accounts, if you piss it off it'll attack you.

if you just want to communicate with a spirit in your area go for the genius loci, if you want poltergeist activity then go ahead but I can recommend a more controversial choice that I know for a fact can cause poltergeist activity in PM if you want.
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