pregnancy spells

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pregnancy spells
Post # 1
My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for almost two years and we are not pregnant yet. What would be the best spell or something thing to help us improve our chances????
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Re: pregnancy spells
Post # 2
This isn't really a "cast a spell" type thing, this is more of a, go talk to your doctor to make sure there's no underlying health concerns type thing. Generally, if you're not conceiving, there's a legitimate medical reason that should probably be corrected.

However, if you feel like doing something to help boost your spirit, making an offering to Brighid may be something to look into. Brighid is believed to love babies, and to be the deity to consult when matters of babies and parenthood are involved. Best of luck!
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Re: pregnancy spells
Post # 3
Hello there I can help you my boyfriend and me tried the same but yea
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Re: pregnancy spells
Post # 4
My is Kyonta and ever since I was a baby I've loved kids now that im older I want a child of my own and I just wanted to know if anyone in this coven would do a spell for me to help me conceive if im not already pregnant because I have been trying. Please just try because I've been reading and seeing a lot on here about how spells can't help you with this, but I also thought that if you know the basics of magic and you truly believe you can make or cast any spell you set your mind and heart to. So any and everyone who can and is willing to help I ask you to please help me.
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Re: pregnancy spells
By: / Novice
Post # 5
First go to a doctor to run some tests to make sure there's no medical issues preventing you from getting pregnant.

No spell will make you pregnant, especially if you're not trying the usual way. Magick does not work miracles, it helps but it does not go against nature. Look into herbs that are know to increase fertility and perhaps ask for help from mother/fertility deities, but no spell will instantly make you pregnant nor will you become pregnant if you haven't had sex or artificial insemination.

One last point to anyone who wants to have kids young, have a financial plan in place. If you're still in high school for example, wait until you graduate. I've got nothing against having children young [I have many friends who started having kids at 17] I just know it's an uphill climb. If you have a support system so you can do both, great, just figure out things beforehand. As I said I have friends who had children young and still went to college and got a dream job, but they had help from their family. This isn't a guarantee either [one of my friends was abandoned by her parents and had to support her 1 year old, find an apartment and job at 18] so please, if you're not at least in your last year of high school, wait until you graduate to try having a kid.
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