Bridge Water Plaza

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Bridge Water Plaza
Post # 1
I just wanted to make a post to commemorate and honor the two journalists that were killed earlier on this morning and for any other member who wishes to send prayers and offer their condolences. As you might have seen on American news networks this morning, although not related to magic, im sure all of us on the spiritual path will feel very strongly about this as will all the people of the world this news has gone out to.

My deepest prayers and heartfelt words to the victims, families and friends of these two people, this was a completely unprovoked attack on two dearly loved journalists in America. This is something that strikes a cord with me whenever I see anything like this, but especially as my Grandfather was a journalist here in the UK for the better part of 52 years. I saw the footage just now and I cannot even comprehend the level of terror that instilled in me, and I'm over 2000 miles away, god knows how they must have felt.

To anyone who would like to say a few words, leave a message of condolence and offer prayers please do so. Please lets all of us send our healing energies to the victims, families ad friends of Alison Parker and Adam Ward. To those people, I send you my strongest will of love and light directly to you, and although in this time of morning nothing can make what happened right, we as a community can do all we can to show our support to this horrific tragedy.

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Re: Bridge Water Plaza
Post # 2

May their souls rest easy.

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