I was drawn to magic

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I was drawn to magic
Post # 1
I have been doing magic for over 9 years, but I still feel like I am missing something. I was asking for a teacher because I thought that going back to the basics would help me. I was drawn to magic right after a near death experience. A lot of things have happened in my life, but I won't just tell you about it. I use magic to protect me, and the ones I love. I need to know as much as I can. Even though you can never know it all, I would at least like to know if I could be better at magic, without all of the "fluff" of magic.
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Re: I was drawn to magic
Post # 2
go back to the basics. research. practice. Keep looking. We are more than happy to answer specific questions. If you need to chat or need some encouragement you can mail me
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Re: I was drawn to magic
Post # 3
Thank you.
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