Fortune Telling

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Fortune Telling
Post # 1
I am extremely interested on the different ways on how to use fortune telling, particularly with Tarot cards, and the different spreads used. Also I am very curious about a break down of what each and every card in the tarot deck can be related to and or mean. Id love to hear from anybody who knows how to do fortune telling. Thanks! :)
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Re: Fortune Telling
Post # 2
I know that there are a lot of books out there that teach you the original meaning of the Tarot but I personally like to find out what the card means to me in the spread personally.
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Re: Fortune Telling
By: / Novice
Post # 3
tarot decks comes with a tiny book with basic explanations, if you can find an actual book that is associated with your deck in question [most decks come with those if you buy the kit] it is best because it gives more detailed descriptions of the cards and meanings as well as a couple different spreads to choose from.

my friends and i all have different decks and we all know and use different spreads, so while i don't know every spread out their, there are the basic spreads many people know of like the three card or celtic cross, you should find the one that works best for you and experiment with them a little to find your perfect spread.

with all that said, while the designs change, tarot cards usually have the same meaning when reading them, however, the reader should connect with each card and understand the 'feeling' of the card. the three of swords for example is seen as a bad omen to many i know who read. [in my deck the artwork is of a heart being pierced by three different swords to give you an idea] you should study the artwork and the meaning, and meditate with the card to fully grasp the meaning.

on top of all that, practice makes perfect. at first you will be relying a lot on the book but as you grow you will get a feel for the cards, you will remember the meanings, and you can begin to tell by the cards present in the spread how the reading will go.
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