Astral projection

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Re: Astral projection
Post # 4
In fact never mind about changing someones mind OK?
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Re: Astral projection
Post # 5
I can promise you that it is possible to talk to someone while APing. I should know, I met the love of my life while APing. One problem to it though. I don't know where on earth he lives or if he is even living in my country. I can only talk to him while APing. But I love him so very much, it's worth It!
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Re: Astral projection
Post # 6
How do you AP
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Re: Astral projection
Post # 7
I don't really know. All I do is lay down like I'm going to sleep, close my eyes and relax, wait until I feel like I'm rocking on the ocean, harness that feeling, and when it stops, open my eyes and i'm there. I don't know if this is AP but that's what I call it.
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Re: Astral projection
Post # 8
might be etheric projection
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Re: Astral projection
Post # 9
Ok, thank you!
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Re: Astral projection
Post # 10
What is esthetic projection? I have never heard of it.
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Re: Astral projection
Post # 11
yes its possible but im not sure how when im talking to a specific being im just thingking about that being , because where ever your attention goes there you are.

and about changing the mind no in astral plane everything is subject to free will if you change their mind in astral you will violate the law of free will . you can only change their mind by explanation
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Re: Astral projection
Post # 12
Astral Projection from "Advanced Magick for Beginners" by Alan Chapman

1. Lie down and relax.

2. Become aware of your imaginary body. Although
you are essentially imagining the body,
there should be an element of allowing the
sensations of the astral body to arise of their
own accord.

3. Now move around in your imagined form, see
with your imaginary eyes, hear with your imaginary
ears, etc. For some, astral travel comes
easy, but for a lot of people it can be quite difficult.
If at this point you are struggling to
'leave' the physical body and sense with your
imaginary senses, there is only one possible
course of action—practice! Some find it useful
to move a physical limb, remember what the
physical sensation felt like, and then use that
memory as a basis for moving the corresponding
astral limb, as an exercise in slowly building
up the astral form. However I very much
believe in simply repeating the above exercise
—usually, the 'knack' is suddenly gained and
the problems vanish, much like with lucid
dreaming. Keep in mind that you are trying to
access something that is already there, which
you already experience every night.

4. Explore! However, be cautious—not all astral
beings are who they say they are, and not all
beings mean well. Again, it is prudent to have
mastered a good banishing ritual. If you wish
to gain a greater understanding of a certain
idea, travel to its astral abode. For instance, if
you wish to explore Malkuth on the Tree of
Life, you can create a door with the necessary
attributes (such as the appropriate colour,
symbol, and material peculiar to Malkuth) to
take you there.

5. Be sure to return the astral body to the physical
body at the end of the practice
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Re: Astral projection
Post # 13
It's possible
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