What walks among us?

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What walks among us?
Post # 1
Hey guys I was just had a thought that popped into m head and thought this would be the best place to share it. I was just wonder if the basic super natural creature werewolves,vampire,dragons etc actually exist which i am sure they do if people are conjuring spells left and right. If they do are they more complex beings that can not be seen by the naked eye kinda like spirits. Also I don't think I have any intention of becoming a vampire don't really feel like eating my family anytime soon but if it is possibly for such a creature to turn me into a vampire and if so what I can do to prevent things like that from happening if possible.
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Re: What walks among us?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Magick isn't like Harry Potter so the spells are more like prayers, you direct energy and ask for help in a certain area in your life.

There are no physical blood sucking vampires so you have nothing to worry about. Vampires, werewolves, dragons and so on are believed to be astral beings [kind of like spirits] that live in a parallel plane from ours.
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Re: What walks among us?
Post # 3
Yes, spirits like what you state OP, all walk on the astral plane, the physical plane just houses us humans and animals etc. There are no vampires which suck blood as it is all the works of fiction.
Thank you.
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