Magickal names

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Magickal names
Post # 1

I was wondering about magickal names. I know some people take them and some don't, but what is its true purpose? I would like to use an alias and not my real name with other people who work in magick until i know i can trust them. Is it a good idea to take one? I just want some clarification about what it is and what its used for.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Magickal names
Post # 2
I haven't chose mine yet but I heard for some witches it is the first step of stripping away who they once we're and basically redefining yourself with your Magickal name, I'm sure it's very empowering.
Hope this helped :)
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Re: Magickal names
Post # 3
lol' how do you get a magical name?
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Re: Magickal names
Post # 4
Yes it is a very good idea to take a magick name. Mine is Odidon. I formed thia name using numerology. That is one way. Or you can derive a name by joining animal names, possibly familiars and what not. A wiccan author i wil use as an example of this. Silver Ravenwolfe.
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Re: Magickal names
Post # 5
And yes it is very empowering. And you can have more than one if you wish. One for everyday use when talking to other practitioners and a personal one for use in magic only, like when you are actually casting or invoking.
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Re: Magickal names
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Well a magickal name is usually a name you choose to be called within circle. There's power behind it, the deities should know you by it, and it kind of sets the mood [like candles and robes, while they carry power it puts your mind in a different state] some choose to use their magick name as their 'official' name [like Silver Ravenwolf] but it's optional.

How to choose it, there are a few options. Numerology being one [and kind of annoying] people believe it's more mangickal using numerology. You figure out what your number is and try to make a name that adds up to the same number using the chart:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

so, example, you take your name Sorcerer, and add it up where S=1 O=6 and so on until you get 1+6+9+3+5+9+5+9=47 this is not on the 1-9 scale so you then add 4+7=11 and again 1+1=2 so your magickal name needs to equal 2. Confusing and time consuming but many use this method.

Another is to reflect and add what you feel connected to. Example I have a friend who loves the name Jasper, his spirit animal is a wolf and he loves to run, he incorporated these things to create his magickal name. Another person I know worshipped Freya, and was by all definitions a 'night owl' so she used these elements in her name. Personally I tried the numerology thing a lot and never found a name that added up, so I choose a name the same way my friends did.
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Re: Magickal names
Post # 7
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Re: Magickal names
Post # 8
Magickal names help to form relationships with deities and can be a nice touch to anything such as a book of shadows etc.
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Re: Magickal names
Post # 9
You can pick whatever you want, but it will have more meaning if it comes to you or is given to you.
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Re: Magickal names
Post # 10
Also, depending on your path, you might wish to take a magical name from that language. Like Hellenics taking a Greek name, Kemetics taking an Egyptian name, etc.
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