General spells

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General spells
Post # 1
I can't seem to make any spells of any kind work. Am I doing something wrong?
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Re: General spells
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: General spells
Post # 3

I am guessing you are new, not just new to this site, but also to magick. Would you expect a baby to run before he/she walks? You can't just come into magick for spells, incantations, rituals,..etc. they will not work. Magick isn't about spellcraft, it's about studying and understanding the ancient arts of the Divines. In order to walk, you must be able to crawl, in order to run, you must walk. In meaning, you must study the basics before you start pushing yourself forward into something you don't understand.

Also, spells don't working instantly, you can't just say words and expect a big mystical glow of power, and poof, you must have patients. You also must know, spells that claim to alter the physical dimension will not work. Everything in this dimension was create specifically, even you. You can't change yourself with any spells. No matter how many times you chant them or cast them.

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