Path choice

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Path choice
Post # 1
I'm wondering about magickal paths. I have mastered the basics, such as grounding, meditation, visualisation and energy manipulation. I've worked so far in different areas of magick like work with angels, elemental, my own sigil magick type thing (see spell "Sigil magick in air") Scrying and tarot cards.

I'm wondering if i should dedicate myself to one path, but i've done a lot of research but i can't find a path for me. I'm really confused about what to do.

Please help me out and thanks in advance!

Oh and also that sigil magick in air thing, i did sort of invent that myself but if someone created that before me, give them credit.
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Re: Path choice
Post # 2
I myself am a Hellenic Poletheist. I invoke the Greek Olympian Gods and Goddeses. It is to them I pray and make offerings. It is not an unwritten law to follow a specific path, but even if you don't, there is still a name. Choosing to follow no main path is a path in nd of itself. It is called being a Solitary Practitioner. The main thing about follow a path, like Hellenic Poletheism, Draconic, Angelic, and any others, is that it provides more direct focus. It helps but is essentially unnecessary. Solitary Practitioners do just as well, and you can invoke any Deity you wish. Hope I was of assistance and blessed be my friend.
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Re: Path choice
Post # 3

You can never master the basics, you can only gain the necessary skills to understand how the basics work. Magick isn't like a board game, it isn't like online gaming, magick is like life, unpredictable, you can't master magick. Even the basics, you can't master, none of us can. I study many paths, but each one differs from enough. My advice is stick to one, learn what you can, if you want to continue to a different one, do so, but remember, knowledge is limitless. We will never know everything about the mystical forces of the Universe. These forces have been known for many hundreds or maybe even farther back than that.

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Re: Path choice
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Call yourself 'Eclectic' or just plan 'witch' if you haven't found a path that describes you perfectly. The title/label doesn't matter so much as how it makes you feel. If I were you, path or no path, I would make a list of beliefs as well as 'dos' and 'don'ts' for your path so you have some solidity and conviction. Revise the list until you feel it's complete, then have a circle and read the list to whichever deities you pray to as an oath or promise of types. As you grow some points might change, but it gives you a bit more structure in your path, and sometimes it's more confusing without a few rules.
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Re: Path choice
Post # 5
I follow the native American path I also into dark magic
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