I'm a newbie

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I'm a newbie
Post # 1
Hello! I'm new to this site and the history and religions of magic and paganism (sorry for the terrible grammar) I'm really interested in this and I would love to learn more and find out if its right for me! My family is atheist but they get freaked out by evil,I know magik is not evil but people judge it that way,I currently have a couple books by Scott Cunningham (amazing author) but my family doesn't know about it,at the moment I plan on just studying Wicca and find out if I believe and like it.If I do ill tell them.So I need somewhere to start,I have need studying very badly for about a week and I need so where to actually"start" as in,stop reading and find a coven or teacher,or just a tutor (if they have one) my religion teacher is actually desic so I suppose I could ask him for help,thanks for reading this messed up blob of words!

Blessed be,
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Re: I'm a newbie
Post # 2
Hello, welcome to the site! Many people do take magic is evil, but it isn't, as you have stated. If you want to start learning, learn the basics of magic first, it's best if you do so. Also, I believe we don't have any mentors, but feel free to join a coven that suits best to you! You can also post your questions that people may be will to help you get your answer. Hope this helps!
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Re: I'm a newbie
Post # 3
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Re: I'm a newbie
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Introduce Yourself from Wicca.
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