Dream Attack Maybe?

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Dream Attack Maybe?
Post # 1
I am So sorry Im posting it on this thread but this one fits more than the others.

A lot of crazy thing started happening for the last 2 days.
My best friend got followed by 2 men in robes(Probably from the sect)He threw them i nthe waters and called the Police But the day after my friend posted a status that he think hes followed by a spirit,he said when we were at one destination there was a light turning off in front of him,btw in that location there was a pentagram and one of my friends pissed on it I don't know if it counts,and then when he walked to this other destionation the lights also turned off,by the way to his grandmothers house the lights were turned off too,when he got home all creeped and shocked he set his television to turn off in 2 hours and it turned off in 5 mins.
Now this happend to me.I dreamt and in this dream I saw this crazy women who is assosiacte of my mother cause they were looking for a job application together but shes crazy and everyone is avoiding her,there she greeted me(That crazy woman)And I didn't want to be disrepsectful so I greeted her and there she meet me with this really bigger blind lady who looked really weird persumable a witch,and me and mi ugly mind I alredy joked in my head about her cause shes blind and fat and I took her hand and said hello,before I could say anything we changed the zones we were no longer in the supermarket where I met her we were closed,surrounded by mountains.There she said to me this fat blind woman ''there is someone far away who loves you(or someone who belives(trusts)in you) cant remember well sorry,and at that moment I was scared cause I just made fun of this woman who can read the future maybe she also read my mind.Then she takes my hand at shes in this black robe and says ''let me explain it a little better''I only remeber she said something simmilat to the last time but more real and mean,then I woke up just 1 second before my alarm started.It was weird cause I woke up just right before the alarm started in a span of 1 second and Im really tired I feel like I could of have sleepen more.

If you know what may be the cause of this please tell me,before I had this dream I felt something weird started happening to all of my friend 1 by 1 and I kind of felt like i was the next.If you know what happend to me let me know what spells should I do and how do I clean this.Thanks and Blessed be.
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Re: Dream Attack Maybe?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Wicca.
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Re: Dream Attack Maybe?
Post # 3
Hmm 73 Views and still no answer.
Here are some small details I missed,when the old woman who was blind me teleported me to the other zone she wore black robes and before that when I was greeting her with handshake I wanted to shake her head strongly to show self confidence but wen I did that it felt like she had no hands,imagine your hand being a magnet + and her hand magnet - thats exactly how that handshake felt.If I remeber any more details I will say but please answer should I be worried and cast a protection spell or could it just be coincidance?
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Re: Dream Attack Maybe?
Post # 4
I can't really tell what your asking help about. Too many run off sentences. I know your desperate for an answer, but can you please organize your mind a bit? I can't tell who is saying what without the quotation marks and comas.
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Re: Dream Attack Maybe?
Post # 5
Okay here I re-wrote it so you might find it more easyer to read.

A lot of crazy thing started happening for the last 2 days.
It all started when one of my best friend got followed by 2 men in robes.He threw them in the waters and called the Police.Tomorow my other friend posted a status,how he think's hes followed by a spirit,he said when we were outside there was a light turning off in front of him,in the place where this happend there was also a pentagram, and one of my friends pissed on it.and then when he walked to his grandmothers house the lights also turned off,when he got home all creeped and shocked he set his television to turn off in 2 hours and it turned off in 5 mins.
Now after all those weird things this happend to me.I had this weird dream, and in this dream I saw this crazy women(I have only seen her in the streets a couple of times,never contacted in any other way)there she greeted me(That crazy woman)And I didn't want to be disrepsectful so I greeted her and there she met me with this really bigger blind lady who looked really weird persumable a witch,and my ugly mind made a joke as soon as I saw her,cause shes blind and fat and I took her hand,and when I tried to shake it it felt like my palm is negative magnet and the rest of my fingers are positive and I tried to squeze it,before I could say anything we changed the zones we were no longer in the supermarket where I met her we were closed,surrounded by mountains.There she said to me this fat blind woman ''there is someone far away who loves you(or someone who belives(trusts)in you) cant remember well sorry,and at that moment I was scared cause I just made fun of this woman who can read the future maybe she also read my mind when I made a joke,so as soon as I figured out she can read the future she took my hand again and we were again in these mountaintops closed by the mountains,but she was in black robes and there were many followers behind her,and she said to me ''let me explain it in a uglyer way'' Then she started talking really loud and deep and she was telling some horrible things to me I can't really remember.I woke up before she said everything.I looked straight in the wall and 5 seconds earlier the alarm turned on,which is really weird cause I only slept for an hour and that never happens to me Im usualy really tired but I woke before the alarm.

Hope this makes it easyer for you,sorry I was too creped to read it again didn't check for mistakes :) Thank you and write as soon as you can.
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Re: Dream Attack Maybe?
Post # 6

If you feel that it's something negetive then i suggest you use salt .Salt is considered good for banishing negetivity or demons or evil spirits.
Just scatter some salt around your surronding and if possible have some salt with you when you go to bed.
i hope this helped .

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