im scared!

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im scared!
Post # 1
hhuhhhmmm.....i am 2 and a half mth preg.,and everyon is mad at me,i have no one......
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Re: im scared!
Post # 2
I would imagine people are happy for you but are overrealmed that you 14 years old.
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Re: im scared!
Post # 3 friends dont like my ex/baby daddy.......because he black
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Re: im scared!
By: / Novice
Post # 4
So? It doesn't matter if he's black, white, whatever. The fact you are 14 might cause people to turn away. Either way, you don't need people like that in your life. You do need to grow up and make some adult decisions from here on out. I have a number of friends who were teen moms [most people I know who wanted kids had them between 17-23 years of age.]

From this point on, the baby comes first, not your friends, your education, your social life, it's the child. If you are lucky, your parents can help you so you can get your high school, but if not, it's online and night school. Do you have money to support the child? Will your family help? The father? Before crying over lost friends who are upset because 'the fathers black' figure out what's best for you and the child. If you can't take care of the child with time and money, you might consider adoption. It's a tough decision, but you need to do the grown up thing.

It doesn't matter if you have 500 friends or 5, it matters how much they care for you and are willing to help. My one friend had her son when she was 16. The whole group joined together to help. We would hang at her house instead of going out most Fridays, if she needed a break, one of us would volunteer to babysit. You need people like that in your life. Her 'baby daddy' was and still is a low life who doesn't help. We don't blame her for his problems. Evaluate your life and stand tall. Whatever you decide, be 100% sure. If you feel you can raise the child [while it won't be easy] you can support the child, then do that. If you feel you are too young and your school or friends are what matter, put the child up for adoption. Sit and think. Listen to your inner voice. Your friends being mad isn't the main problem here.
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Re: im scared!
Post # 5
Nekoshema basically covered it all. I would like to add something myself.
Your story isn't very different from some girls in my school, but they make it out like it's nothing. What they fail to realize is that what they did they did too young and in a delicate time. A person as young as you should never have put herself in such a position, no girl should, just as no boy should be doing that kind of thing and not take responsibility (I don't know your story, so forgive me if I got something wrong). Teens start thinking that they are now adults and can do what they want, but we are still children, there is no reason for us to be thinking like that yet. My parents had to quit school and work at a young age, so they never got a proper childhood and education. They were thrown into the adult world by force, so I take advantage that I get a proper education while I still can. I never worried about girlfriends and dating and the like, so I don't know how it works. However, we should all come to understand that having a girlfriend or boyfriend can be nice, but don't do things that can lead to difficult outcomes. I'm not saying that you are in a horrible situation, I do wih you and the baby all good, but I would like you to at least to take consideration that having sex at that age wasn't a great idea. Follow Nekoshema's advice, she knows more than I do, and you'll do the smart thing.
Thank you for reading this, and I wish you all the best luck in the world.
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Re: im scared!
Post # 6
All i have to say is WTF is wrong with you. And forget your friends dume ass kids.
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