'My Book'

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'My Book'
By: / Novice
Post # 1
So, a few days ago I fell into a half-dreaming-half-awake state. But what I saw didn't feel like a dream. I mean, usually a person knows the difference between a vision and a dream, right? I was standing in a very dimly lit hallway. The walls were a dark shade of green or blue, a red carpet was on the floor, and the only light was coming from two candles sitting on a dark wood desk, where a book was laying. I was standing at the dark end of the hallway, and the darkness was giving me an uneasy feeling, so I tried walking towards the candles and the book. The book gave me the same feeling that I get when I speak (pray) to the Gods and Goddesses I worship. However, I snapped out of the half-awake state when I was only about five steps away from the book.
It's hard to explain, and I hope I don't sound self-centered or anything, but I felt like the book was meant for me to read it.
I'd like to go back to the half-awake state and read the book, but meditation doesn't seem to get me to that state easily.
Also, if anyone could help me figure out what happened, I would really appreciate it.
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Re: 'My Book'
Post # 2
Look into past life forums. That sounds a lot like a past life memory
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Re: 'My Book'
Post # 3
that sound like a message from your god and goddess do you have a book of shadows
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Re: 'My Book'
Post # 4
It's either a vision or your past life, or your subconscious could be sending you a message. Or your astral projecting by accedently. That happens to me a lot. That's why I need to ground.
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Re: 'My Book'
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5

What you had sounds like the trance state called hypnogogia or hypnopompia (depending on if you were falling asleep or waking up, respectively). Meditation is but one method to achieve an altered state and is typically only ever used to enter the Alpha brainwave state (we are most conscious in the Beta).

I wouldn't put stock in this trance being a past life journey or a message unless you determine that for yourself. Look into methods that aid deeper trances and call that place up again to further be able to read the book (don't be disappointed if you can't).

To be totally honest, you may wish to join a coven that centers around altered states or has other Hellenists so you can further your individual studies with focused attention.

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